Page 125 of Conner's Luna

"No bra?" I rasp. She blushes, her palms flat on my shoulders. We both look down to see her nipples pebbling under her thin t-shirt.

My mouth stings from mating venom. My wolf and I are caught up in those pretty things. A sudden vision of Bailey nursing our pup makes a growl claw its way out of our mouths.

"Legs around my waist, baby," I manage to husk out. She obediently clings to me, eyes wide behind her glasses. I hold her under her ass and bite back another possessive growl. I need to get Bailey to myself, stat.

I turn and race into the woods. Bailey lets out a tiny squeal and hides her face in my neck. I nearly scream in frustration as she laughs against my skin, her breath washing over the place where I want her to Mark me.

She's got some nothing, barely-there soft, cotton shorts on. I lift her higher, so her naked thighs are wrapped just above my sweats, bare skin to bare skin.

She lifts her head a little as I slow down. Running has become painful. "Conner," she whispers in my ear. "We have to talk."

"Yeah, baby." I'd like to talk to her pussy, first. She and I need to have a long conversation. "Tell me."

"I found out some things," she offers. I shift her body so that we can stare into each other's eyes. Hers are filled with tears. My heart trips.

"Baby, tell me," I encourage her softly.

"Dad and myabuelatold me that I may have magic in my bloodline. Some sort of lust-inducing siren gene. I can't find it, yet," she starts to cry, "but it makes sense, doesn't it?"

My feet slow and my heart cracks a little. "Bailey..." I squeeze her gently when she starts to try and wriggle away from me. "Why do you think it makes sense?" I ask her.

"You were so in love with Lydia, Conner. And then I started talking to you and look at what happened," she sobs. "I can't... I just can't think about anything else. I'm so sorry Conner. I didn't know before. Dad told me when he found out you're a wolf-person. He knows your uncle and he knows- he andAbuelaknow all about you because of great-greatTiaDaryle. Oh, Crap, I've been looking and I think maybe we should stop seeing each other-"

I cut off her rambling, near-incoherent explanation by fusing our mouths together. The kiss is wet from her tears, but carnal as hell.

"Bailey," I growl against her mouth. She hums a response as I nip and tug at her plush lower lip. "Do you have magic titties?"

She coughs in surprise and rears back in my arms. I start walking again. "I really love those. Do you have a magic little brain? I fucking love that. How about this?" I ask her, squeezing the globes of flesh that fill my hands. "Is this magic?"

"Conner! This is serious!" she scolds, fire sparking in her eyes, but also love and lust. She thinks she slipped up earlier, telling me on the phone that she loved me? Yeah, I'm gonna slip my cock into her pussy, get her pregnant. I'll slip my teeth into her neck and Mark her. I should probably slip a ring on her finger first because she'll want that.

My wolf swings his head back and forth, insane with lust and instinct to mount and breed. No question what he chooses first.

I growl and bounce her in my arms a few times as if we're dry-humping. "Maybe it is magic," I grunt as her pussy rubs on me, only a few layers of soft cotton separating us. She cries out, squirming, those pretty titties bouncing for me. I bend and suck one into my mouth through her shirt. Her fingers go to my hair, tugging a little as she wordlessly begs for more.

I release her with a pleased growl. My wolf approves of the wet cotton molding to her chest. Her body is ready for us.

"It's serious," she whimpers as she recovers just a little. "Please Conner, you deserve a choice," she whimpers and undulates her hips a little, making me nearly trip, myself.

I deserve a choice? This little man-killer is driving me insane. My wolf is whining, scratching at the urge to Mark her. This isn't how it's supposed to go. I was supposed to take her out tomorrow night, romance her, prove my love for her, but then what about us is normal? I have her tight, snug pussy an inch away from my dick and I can barely concentrate on her sweet little 'magic' confession.

"I'm sorry," she murmurs. "I think we-"

We reach the clearing at the edge of our property. I kiss Bailey's mouth to make her quiet, then nudge her cheek with my nose. "Look, babygirl."

She glances at the sight and gasps. We're overlooking the university campus, high on the cliffs. Uncle Alex thought it was a good investment opportunity but other than the original farmhouse that Sarj, Sean, Brax and I are living in, the land is undeveloped.

"It's pretty, huh?" I ask her.

"It is," she says softly, "but-"

"You could almost say it's magical, but baby... it's just real pretty."

Her eyes are on mine again. I hold her gaze, then kiss her again, digging my fingers into the cleft between her ass cheeks. One intrepid finger finds the seam of her shorts and slips inside, brushing against soaking wet heat. "This is magic," I growl. "That much I know." I sink my digit into her impossibly tight channel and stop walking abruptly. Bailey cries out in shock, but when I gently rub, then sink deeper, to my first, then the second knuckle, she squirms in pleasure.

"So," I manage to say as I stroke her gently, opening her, getting her ready. "You've what... entranced me? Made me break my mating bond with your devious sexiness?"

Bailey moans. With every thrust I gently bump her, making her hump my hand as I move my finger in her tight sheathe. "Serious discussion," she gasps out. I furl and unfurl my other fingers, one of my knuckles rubbing her clit. She cries out again, tossing her head back and nearly wrenching her wounded shoulder. I shift my muscles, catching her with my other hand, holding her secure against my body. My cock may as well be a chair for her at this point, it's so fucking hard between her thighs.