"Mi Preciosa esta embarazada,pregnant," the first LoboGris insists.
"Raul," I slap him on the shoulder, "is Tansy still not speaking to you?"
"I need to see her,Jefe," the male insists to me, almost looking close to tears.
"You fucked up," I tell him bluntly.
He nods, looking like I punched him. If I could kick my own ass, I would. I knew Raul had volunteered to come with us and I knew that Tansy wouldn't want to see him right now. Carmichael, that fucking asshole, wants them together. He allowed Raul to come deliberately. If Dad or Uncle Alex were here they would have remembered.
I suck at this.
"Can you change only your skin? It's very interesting how your bone structure seems to shift before the epidermis. So do the hair follicles, but not the skin. Maybe my two-layer theory is wrong," Bailey's honey-sweet voice startles the two ClearHowl wolves, but the LoboGris, already used to her, just smirk.
She picks up Raul's arm and holds it up in the beams of light from the truck. I'm quick to snatch her away. "Don't touch an angry wolf, Honeygirl."
"I wouldn't hurt her,cabrón," Raul huffs.
I refrain from punching him, but the promise is in my eyes. His fall to the ground, submissive, while I fight my own angry wolf from shifting. I'm yanked back to reality when I feel slim fingers pinch and pull the skin on my forearm.
I look down at the top of Bailey's head while she mutters to herself, "maybe the epidermis and dermis are simply thicker. Hair follicles may only be present in the epidermis and dermis." She pauses, bringing up my arm to be only a few inches from her nose. Her gorgeous eyes narrow as she glares at my partially-shifted forearm. It’s extra-adorable, because she’s still missing her glasses.Tugging again at the hair follicles, she shakes her head, "no. I think my original hypothesis stands. You have extra skin layers. The thicker wolf dermis must be under the human epidermis and the hair follicles of the wolf are also under that layer."
Her eyes light up, sparkling as she smiles up at me, "maybe it's both, Conner! Thicker layers and maybe extra ones! I wish I could see your hypodermis layer or layers. Oh, my goodness, there are hidden hair follicles and now that I think about it, you must have additional blood vessels."
She's practically dancing with joy as the male wolves all stare at her with expressions ranging from shock to amusement.
"Conner will let you do a biopsy," Braxton offers gleefully. "Maybe take a few samples from his hairy ass."
"Conner isn't a science exper-" Bailey's words are cut off when Carter suddenly lurches toward Raul.
I grab him inches away from the snarling male. Thankfully, two of the LoboGris react just as quickly and hold Raul back.
"You're a real fuc-jackass, you know?" Carter amends with a glance at Bailey.
"I fucked up," Raul growls back, "but she didn't listen to me!"
"You cheated," Carter says flatly. "You got your d-" he cuts his words off.
"I didn't," Raul insisted. "She is an ex,sí? A friend and casual fuck and I didn't cheat!" he practically howls.
"Tansy saw you," Carter spits, "with her own two eyes. You were coming out of your room together!"
"I passed out drunk!" Raul roars back. "Veronica helped me that night. I didn't touch her!"
Carter scoffs. Raul fights the hold of his packmates, but the two males are implacable.
"Why did you get so drunk?" Bailey asks. Everyone's eyes fall to her. She puts her hands on her ample, sexy-as-fuck hips and glares at Raul.
He looks down, shame-faced. "I wanted more. I pushed Tansy too fast,Bella. We fought."
"And you didn't cheat on her?" Bailey asks with suspicion and doubt coloring her voice. She takes a step closer to Raul and I think the male actually flinches away from the tiny human.
"Sí, Bella."
Bailey scowled, tapping her foot. "Do you still spend time with this woman?"
Raul nods. "We are only friends," he says quietly.
"But it looks suspicious. You have to decide if you value your friendship or Tansy, more."