Finally, my fingertips brush fur. "Soft," I whisper. My one-word compliment, all I can offer at the moment, causes a whiplash of movement from behind Conner. I gasp, jumping little before I realize that it's his tail.
Wolf-people have tails. How do their spinal columns change to accommodate that? Do they have them folded inside of their human forms? (more research is required).
My hand dips and settles more firmly onto Conner. He's as warm in this form as the other.
Wolf-people have higher temperatures than humans.
I stroke his head and am rewarded with a low rumble rising from Conner's chest.
Wolf-people purr.
"This is amazing," I whisper. Tears prick my eyes. I'm not sure what I should do or say. I start to cry, weeping and sniffling. Conner moves closer until it just seems natural to fall forward into his fur and let the emotions fall over me.
I weep for a long time while the wolf stands still, letting me use him as a tissue. Even though I'm on my feet, I feel entirely supported. My weight doesn't seem to faze Conner at all. His coat feels and smells just like the blanket in the truck but instead of making me cringe, I feel cozy and safe. Conner wuffles and Braxton rubs my back soothingly as both men rumble quietly for me.
A groan rises behind me and every hair on my body rises. All this time, I realize, and the tiny hairs gave me no warning. Nothing, no reason to feel alarmed by the wolf-people, but the girl in the truck makes my spidey-senses go haywire.
The comfort I feel from my tiny hairs trusting Conner and Braxton belies every known fact of physics and reality I've ever studied. My tiny hairs don't really warn me of danger.
It makes as much sense as Conner changing into a wolf.
I laugh as I pick my head up from Conner's fur. A raspy tongue licks my cheek and my laugh turns into a sputter. "No, Conner.Obviouslyno," I scold him.
The giant wolf bares his teeth in a crazed-looking grin before he sneakily licks his chops, teasing me. My body weakens along with my resolve and I smile at him, "can you change back now?"
The wolf whimpers, looking for all the world like a pouting child. I have this theory that Conner isn't the only sentient being inside the wolf, but he has to be human to speak to me. Or does he?
"Can you speak as a wolf?"
He shifts back faster than he shifted into a wolf. I don't have time to wonder about his nudity or how quickly what should be an explosive change occurs just inches from my face. Conner wastes no time scooping me in his arms and whirling me around in a circle.
He sets me back on my feet and grins. "No, animals can't talk. That's pure fantasy." Then he fuses his mouth to mine.
Wolf-people are good kissers (More tests are required).
Conner withdraws, slowly. My eyes drift open to see him staring down at me with a soft smile. "Thank you for not hating me."
I wrinkle my nose at him. "Why would I hate you? Be freaked out, yes. Be curious, absolutely. You... physically, how does your bone structure change and so quickly? You could be changing on the molecular level. Do you have any idea how much energy that would take? Are you tired?"
I sway on my feet and Conner picks me up again, wrapping my legs around his waist. "Alright, my honeygirl. I think the real question is; are you tired?"
"Yes," I whisper, astounded by how profoundly my understanding of the world has changed. "I don't think I was ready for this."
"You're doing wonderful, baby."
"Have you told many people about it?" I ask, earnestly.
He pauses to drop a brief kiss on my lips. "No. You're... well... to be honest, the only human who is mated into the pack is Sean's mom. It's rare to be told."
"You didn't even try to deny it."
"Conner," Braxton calls out. "She's waking up. I can't give her another dose this soon."
"She's secure?" Conner asks. I look up at his face and understand for a moment, what 'alpha' means. The humor and intelligence that typically sparkles in his eyes have turned to utter steel. What did Braxton call him? An alpha? He looks the part right now.
"Of course," Braxton scoffs back. I look at the younger boy, he's just as implacable.
"Who is she?" I ask Conner as he places me on the passenger seat with a gentleness that doesn't match his expression and buckles me in.