He turns so his back is facing us and drops his jeans. He's bare-assed, and I can't help but cover Bailey's eyes. Braxton looks over his shoulder and huffs in exasperation. "She needs to see it to believe it, Conner."
"Alright," I decide, "I'm shifting to paws. Brax, you stay on feet with Bailey. Get your damn pants back on."
"Paws," Bailey murmurs.
I kiss the top of her head and wait for Braxton to be decent before very slowly extricating myself from holding onto her. In the distance, the LoboGris have shut their engines off, waiting. Braxton wraps an arm around her waist and she leans on him. I stand there for a full minute, just watching them. Braxton didn't put a shirt back on and I think he realizes what a mistake that was when he stiffens away from Bailey.
"No, support her," I growl.
"I am." He tosses me another grumpy look but wraps his arm (loosely) back around Bailey.
Unlike Braxton, I keep my eyes on Bailey's beautiful face as I undress. Satisfaction curls through me as a hint of approval cuts through the blank shock on her face. I flex, just a little, showing off for my girl. I'm not as muscular as I was a year ago. I went backward with my development, a fact that terrifies Uncle Mattie and pisses me the fuck off. I've re-gained about fifteen pounds of muscle in the last month.
I approach Bailey and let my wolf do what he's yearning for.
Wolf-people have canines that cause slight protrusions from their upper mouths.
Wolf-people have slightly thicker hair on their heads, chests, legs, and... ahem... genitalia.
Wolf-people's eyes glow white due to tapetum lucidum and orange due to... unknown (more research is needed).
Wolf-people are anatomically larger than the average human man.
That last one may just be Conner. I looked 'below' to see if his bruises on his abdomen are fading. They are, and he's fully erect. And huge.
Wolf-people are anatomically larger than the average human man (larger sample size is needed).
"Ready, honeygirl?" Conner asks me softly before his bones break, shift, and melt as he turns from a man into a gigantic wolf. Fur sprouts all along his new body. I suck in a breath and press closer to Braxton as my eyes and mind catalog this moment.
Wolf-people do not display outward signs of pain or discomfort when their bodies change.
Wolf-people may retain their body mass in both forms (more research is needed).
Wolf-people retain the appearance of their skin similarly in both forms.
Wolf-people's bone structure changes during their shift (clinical observations to follow).
Wolf-people have triggered hypertrichosis when they turn into wolves (more research is needed to understand this process and to determine if the reverse, alopecia, is true).
The wolf who is Conner bumps my chin with his nose.
Wolf-people have wet noses (as do other canines - comparisons can be assumed until further testing).
"You doing alright, Bails?" Braxton asks me. His one arm is around my waist, his other is pressing against the wolf as if to hold him back a little.
I nod, practically slamming my face into the wolf. He's as tall as I am. Patient, too. He stands in front of me, just inches away, his green eyes examining me as closely as I am him. I can't even see most of him because he seems intent on hovering right in front of me. His head is approximately three times as large as mine.
Wolf-people shift to have the anatomically-correct eyes expected in canine species. Color has remained the same, however, shape and pupil size have changed.
"May I?" I ask through numb lips and a pounding heart. Almost by its own volition, my right hand raises to hover next to Conner.
"Yes," Braxton says quietly. "He would like that."
I lower my shaking fingers achingly slowly. The big guy in front of me barely even twitches. It's as if he knows how close I am to complete hysterics. Then again, he does know that, doesn't he?