"Don't be mean to my boyfriend," Bailey says breezily. I tighten every muscle in my body before my knees buckle.
"Did you just call me average?" Velia quips back.
Laughing, Bailey grabs my hand and tugs. I let Bailey lead me away from the group, her ass bouncing deliciously as she strides furiously across the quad. I can feel the idiotic grin crawling over my face. My wolf is plotting out the den we'll prepare for her. It has to be a normal house, I remind him, ignoring the forlorn look on his face. Bailey is human. She doesn't want a cave. As if she can tell what the dumb mutt is thinking, Bailey stops abruptly and spins around to look at me.
"What's wrong?" I ask her.
Nervously, she pushes her glasses back up the bridge of her nose. "Um... I don't know my way around here and I just gotjealous. I'm sorry I acted like that, Conner. Can you text Velia and tell her to meet us somewhere?"
"No," I take her hand, smirking. "We have a date, remember? We'll meet up with everyone after." My wolf starts strutting, pleased with our cleverness. He can do a house. It's a compromise he's willing to make.
"But I-" she splutters helplessly, then starts to laugh. "I just played right into your hands, didn't I? Did you plan on College Barbie showing up? I shouldn't call her that," she babbles, "it's mean-spirited, but she is a little plastic, right? Just a little?"
I spin around and drop a swift kiss on her lips, making her jump, startled before she starts to laugh up at me. "She's not a good female, Bailey. And you," I stroke her cheek, my humor fading as she smiles up at me, "you are."
"That was very romantic, Conner," she whispers with a smile. "Now you need to feed me crappy college pizza."
"I'm rich as hell, Honeysuckle. I can wine and dine you."
Her nose wrinkles just the slightest bit. "I'll try to not hold your wealth against you. Feed me pizza. Hawaiian without the ham."
I groan a real sound of pain. "Pineapple? That's just... You ruin pizza. I take back what I said about you being a good girl. You're evil incarnate."
Bailey pats me on the chest. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. It's a struggle you must endure to date a vegetarian."
"I get a meat-lovers," I whisper, holding my stomach and looking at her with a pout.
"More meat for you," she smiles at me gently.
"I want to give you some meat," I say with a wink.
She bursts into laughter and goddess, she's utterly beautiful. Grinning, she takes my hand and loops her arm through mine.
Don't fuck her in the grass, Grim, I chant in my head. "So, two pizzas?"
She pokes me in the gut gently, "don't tell me you can eat a whole pizza by yourself."
"Probably one-and-a-half," I admit.
A sly grin crawls over her face. "We can order one meat-lovers and one half-pineapple, half-"
"Don't," I say calmly. "Don't say it."
We end up bringing the pineapple pizza, along with fifteen meat-lovers, back to the LaNu annex-house. I roll my eyes at the building as we stroll up. No males are allowed inside the actual sorority house, so Carmichael had his wolves built the annex when Auntie Cassie went to school here.
I carefully set them down as Velia and Bailey greet each other like they've been best friends for years. I grab the pineapple and open it for Bailey.
"It took you three hours to get pizza?" Velia's eyes gleamed mischievously at me.
I grin back. Yes, Bailey and I did have time to kiss and cuddle, but that's all we did. I had to go buy some pineapple because the Pizza Palace only had one nearly-expired can. It's owned by one of Carmichael's pack and they don't usually get requests for Hawaiian without the ham. I made it clear to them that when Bailey comes to school here, they need to stock veggie options and it needs to be fresh.
"Your brother is slightly insane," Bailey explains the pineapple story to Velia. My sister flashes a look of approval at me as soon as my female’s back is turned.
Coughing, Velia sidles up to me. "Are you planning on looking for Ariana tonight?" she asks softly.
I nod my head. "All of your sisters are here now, Velia." I look around. We've started what is turning into an impromptu end-of-the-year party and Bailey is the center attraction.