"Hey, Bailey," Jonas grins.
"Hi, Jonas. Nice to meet you."
Jonas makes his excuses and leaves, but not before giving me a wink and a thumbs-up behind Bailey's back. We start walking again and Velia eyes Bailey's hand entwined with mine with a half-smile and a shake of her head.
"He's a nice kid, but stay away from him, Ballet," I tell her.
She wrinkles her nose at me. "First, are we really back to that nickname? You know I'm totally graceless and as far from a dancer as possible. Second, if he's nice why am I staying away from him?"
"First, you're adorable," I counter, "Second, he's a guy."
One eyebrow quirks up. "I can't have guy friends?"
"Nope," I tell her, easing the word with a smile.
"You have female friends," she points out.
"Not really," Velia jumps to my rescue, thankfully. I'll have to get her a better Solstice gift this year. "His besties are all male."
"He does," Bailey insists, although how she knows that I have no idea. "Her, for instance."
It's like the theme from Jaws plays in my head. I turn, half expecting to see Lydia here and dreading it. Instead, I meet my brother's eyes and walking next to him, Georgina.
"She isnothis friend," Velia mutters as she comes to stand beside Bailey.
"Hi, Conner!" Georgina greets me with far too much enthusiasm. Despite the hold I have on Bailey, Georgina comes closer and closer, as if she's going to, goddess-forbid, hug me.
I go full belly-up coward and tug Bailey into my chest, using her as a sexy, curvy shield against another female. It would not be good if I rip out Georgina's throat for touching what doesn't belong to her. Fuck. I blow out a slow breath and narrow my eyes on Braxton, ignoring Georgina's prattle.
"Georgie texted me that you were here," Braxton says with a cool expression.
I glare at him, but it does explain why Braxton drove all the way here when he should be studying for his last final today. He knows that Georgina is not someone I want to see. I begrudgingly give him a nod of thanks. At least he can run interference with the blond bitch.
"Sonice to see you again," at first I think that it's Georgina finally deigning to notice my girl, but my wolf knows straight away which female spoke first. His tail wags proudly as my brain catches up to him and recognizes the dulcet tones of his female. I can't hide my smile. Bailey's bravery is a challenge that Georgina recognizes.
I feel warm as Bailey greets Braxton in a much warmer voice. She's laying down her law and claiming me as hers, even if she doesn't recognize it.
"Dad wanted to ask you how everything is going at State?" Georgina looks at me, widening her eyes as if we have a secret. Which, I guess we fucking do. Gerald must have told his daughters to be extra cautious. I can't blame him. I'm sure my parents are on edge with Velia going here without either of her big brothers by her side.
Two deeply-tanned, dark-eyed males with wolf tattoos crawling over their necks circle the block slowly on motorcycles and I internally smirk. Uncle Gerald doesn't know how well-protected Caluna is. Dad does. He and Carmichael discuss the campus all the time.
"It's great," I say shortly.
"Bailey goes there, too, but she's thinking of transferring," Velia says with a devious look.
"Oh," Georgina's smile falters, but she rallies quickly. "I was wondering if we could hang out since we're both here? I miss you. We always hung out so much." Georgina says in a saccharine-sweet voice.
"I've got it, Georgie," Velia says with just as much bitter-sugar.
"You're only a freshman, Veli," Georgina responds triumphantly. "I know the campus from visiting so often."
"I know my way around," I bite out. "I went here for four fucking years, Georgie. You didn't. Y-"
"Conner, aren't we going to be late for our reservation?" Bailey interrupts, looking at her phone. "Georgina, maybe we can meet up later? Braxton, so nice to see you." Bailey side-hugs Velia, "thank you Veli. See you later."
"After your date with my gross brother," Velia confirms with a satisfied grin.