Conner agrees, reluctantly. Jose leaps into the bed of the truck, ignoring the backseat. "Um..." I whisper.
"Fuck, I love that blush," Conner mutters, staring at me with a dark need that makes the blush worse.
"You... um... it's still painful?" I ask him softly.
"Bailey," he glowers at me. "You're a genius. The blood flow to my cock is still there, yes."
I stiffen and start to clamber off his lap. He moans, sounding as if he's in pain, his head tilted to the sky. "Go real slow, baby."
"Sorry. Oh my goodness, sorry!" I start to giggle at the pained look on his face, but I manage to get back into my seat and re-button my pants without exposing myself to the rest of the world or doing permanent damage to Conner.
"OK, right," he lets out a short breath. "Let's go, yeah? Stop laughing. It's really not funny. I can't even fucking drive."
I start laughing even harder as he keeps grumbling, shooting me glares every so often that softens into a grin when he finally pulls up outside the Student Center.
He can walk. Maybe it's a little mincing at first as he climbs out without the typical grace I'm used to, but he does it without shedding any tears. Jose slides into the driver's seat as I laugh helplessly at a pouting Conner.
"C'mon, babe," Conner helps me out. We both thank Jose before he drives off, his shoulders shaking from holding in his own laughter.
"You're mean," Conner grumbles. He slings his arm over my shoulder and sighs. "So mean."
"Stop calling me average," I joke.
Conner chuckles and kisses the top of my forehead. We rush inside the building as the wind blows the rain sideways. It's quickly turning into a downpour.
"Velia's waiting in the seating area. Let's get our drinks first," Conner announces. "Iced coffee, babe?"
"Hmm. The rain makes me want to change it up to something warm," I tell him. “A latte, maybe.” Even with his arm securely wrapped around me, my skin is chilled from the rain.
Conner doesn't ask me what I want again. We step up to the counter and he places the order, "One coffee, cream and sugar, small. One large, iced mocha latte, and a large vanilla latte, hot, no sugar. Ah," he examines the pastries on display with a critical stare. "Two chocolate chip muffins, and a slice of that lemon meringue pie, too."
The girl behind the counter is practically swooning. I hope she heard his order, especially since he ordered so much. I open my mouth to place my order, but Conner pulls me away from the counter, his arm still hugging me close.
"Did you just order for me?" I ask him blankly.
He glances down at me out of the corner of his eye. "I did," he murmurs. "Did you want something else, babe?"
"No," I feel a little deflated. He ordered exactly what I would have, but that's not the point. "I can order my own coffee."
He pauses, right in the middle of the coffee shop with students milling all around us, tilts my chin up with his finger, and places a slow, lingering kiss on my lips. "Your boyfriend likes to order for you. Say it," he says.
"Say what?" I say sharply. "You're a bossy, alpha-male, neanderthal?"
He smirks. "Call me yours," he replies simply. "Bossy, alpha, whatever. As long as you call me yours."
I smile back, but I feel a shadow hovering over us. "Let's not move so fast," I ask him, hating the plea I can hear in my voice. It's dumb, anyway. I was all over him, literally, just a few minutes ago in the truck, but we just went from friends to warp-speed dating and I'm not sure I'm entirely buying what he's selling.
"I'm yours and you're mine, Bailey," he says, quietly but firmly.
"Sure?" I say hesitantly.
A gleam comes into his eyes. I see it then, his teeth, sharp and glinting as he smiles a predatory, wolfish grin. "Say it," he growls low, bending down to whisper it against my cheek. "Say your man is bossing you around."
"No," I reply, but it's a breathless, wanton sound of desire and longing.
"Bailey," he growls again, sharper, deeper. My body thrills to hear it. I sway into him, my lips parting on a soft gasp. "Fuck, baby. Tell me I'm your man."