Dad is going to kill me, but not if Carmichael doesn't get to me first.
"Are you having a party?" Bailey looks around at all of the wolves.
"Sí, Bonita," Rique saunters over with a flirtatious chuckle. "Do you watch the beautiful game,bonita?"
If he calls Bailey 'pretty' one more time he won't be having any more pups.
"That depends on what the beautiful game is?" Bailey says with a smile.
"Soccer," I grunt out over Rique. I'll explain things to Bailey.
"Soccer?" Bailey asks brightly. "I don't usually watch. I'm not very sporty."
"Will you watch with us?" Rique says. I glare at him as he invites himself, Bailey, and everyone else intomyhouse.
"Um, sure?"
I glue Bailey to my side as all of the males buzz around. A few leave to grab food and beer, and more pull extra chairs into the living room.
"Bailey, you met Conner at school?" one of the wolves asks.
"I did," she confirms.
"What's your major?" another says.
"Biology Science and Chemical Engineering," she responds. All of the LoboGris wolves look befuddled. Dumb fucks. "I'm thinking of changing majors, though. Forensic Biology, maybe."
My ears perk up when I hear that. "You didn't tell me you were thinking of switching," I say.
"Oh," Bailey looks startled that I'm still here. Yeah, baby. I'm holding your sweet curves, too. I cup her hip and pull her flush to my body. Let her ignore the hard cock poking her belly.
"Um..." Bailey is flushed and a little breathless as she visibly tries to concentrate on the grinning douche talking to her. "I may transfer schools."
What the fuck did my Bailey just say? My wolf cocks his head to one side, ears alert, watching his human closely. His tail thumps. Does his human want to play chase? His tongue darts out, licking his maw. He wants to chase her. He wants to catch her more.
I tighten my fingers on Bailey's waist, fighting off my wolf's feral urges. "Where?" I ask her casually.
"I... I don't know. I wanted to be with Dad for at least another year, but I can go somewhere close, still. At least somewhere that's an easier drive than, um, than MIT. I was going to go, to MIT, I mean. Well, not really go. I applied. I was accepted, but I wasn't really going to leave Dad. So I chose State because it was closest. I barely have any commute," she babbles.
She's a terrible driver. The idea of Bailey making an hours-long trek home is almost as scary as her leaving me.
"Caluna is near our pa-property," one of the wolves says. "Ey, Bembe! What sort of majors does Caluna have?"
"I fucking know that,sí?You go to the same school!" Carmichael's younger brother shouts back."Estás pero si bien pendejo!"
"Chinga tu madre!" the wolf snarls back, walking over to confront Bembe and abandoning his conversation with Bailey.
Another swinging dick takes his place. "Caluna has science majors," he insists with a smile. "Good ones,no?"
"I... um... Wasn't thinking about Caluna. It's a little smaller than what I-"
"Small is good,no?" the male interrupts.
"She doesn't want to see your dick,cabrón!" another male howls.
Bailey is saved from answering them when the wolves who went on a snack and beer run come back. Voices rise as we all flow into the living room. I keep Bailey next to me, but I still manage to punch the rude male in the stomach with my free hand behind her back.