This is the worst (and best) lunch date ever.
12 - Forgive But Don’t Forget
I pack the bluebonnet, complete with its freshly-attached front bumper, with pepper spray and a multi-tool. It's all Dad and I have in the way of weapons and it won't do much against a crazed killer, but it's reassuring to have all the same.
At least I have my car back. That's one good thing about today. It's not enough to erase the thread of fear running through me after yesterday's conversation with the boys, but I'll take it.
All morning the neighborhood has been normal. Life waltzes past while I can't help but think about Jolena. Dad doesn't know about Jolena. I never mentioned the bullying or the oddity of Dean Sancieo hating me. I should have applied to other schools for the spring semester. I could have even taken a semester off and gone back in the fall.
Now I have to pack pepper spray and a multi-tool that only has a one-inch blade for protection. Sitting down in the car, I look at the ridiculous thing. I think it cost eight bucks.
A rumble of an engine makes my body tense. I only relax when I recognize the driver as he pulls into the driveway.
"Hey, Bails." Sean eases out of the truck with the grace of a panther. He tosses me a smile and waits patiently. "Do you have your stuff?" He looks around, expectantly.
"Conner really wants you to drive me to school?" I ask him in surprise. I didn't expect them to actually do it.
Sean is looking around with a glare on his face. "Are you home alone? When does your dad leave for work?"
"He leaves at 7:15," I respond automatically.Sean nods and immediately takes out his phone. I eye him suspiciously as he sends a text and blandly smiles at me."Did you just snitch on me?" I ask him.
His smile widens and becomes genuine. "Yup. Get in the truck, Bailey. You aren't supposed to be alone, remember?"
"I remember," I say softly. I can't forget about a killer.
"Sorry," Sean says just as quietly. He reaches out and takes my backpack and places it in the truck. I grab my multi-tool and pepper spray and climb in.
Sean closes my door for me like a gentleman, then takes his time to walk around to his door. He scans the street, the house, the woods behind, for a long pause before joining me in the truck.
"Do you think someone's out there?" I ask him.
He shakes his head, "no, but you can't be too careful."
"Who do you think-"
"Bailey," he interrupts me, "let's talk about something else. I can tell you've been stressing about this shi-stuff."
"What do you want to talk about?" I ask him.
"Do you think you would ever forgive Trey for being a little bitch?"
The change in subject is so bizarre that my entire body stiffens and jerks as if Sean just poured a bucket of ice-cold water over my head. "Why would I?" I blurt out without thinking.
Sean cringes. His shoulders tighten and his jaw clenches as something like pain flashes across his face. "No, I guess - I just wondered if you liked him. If he suddenly started being good to you, would you - I don't know - Would you like him back?" Sean finishes lamely.
I look at Sean, still bewildered. He keeps his eyes fixed on the empty road in front of us determinedly. This is important to him. I don't know why, but OK. "I can forgive, I suppose, but you know what they say; forgiveness is easy, forgetting is impossible."
He blows out an unsteady breath. "Would you date him?"
I wrinkle my nose in disgust. A feeling wells in my stomach, a churning mixed with longing. I really have it bad for Trey, but... just no.
"I have... or had... a major crush on him," I admit, eyeing him out of the corner of my eye for his reaction. When he nods as if that's not surprising, I continue, "but he also makes me feel sick."
"How?" he asks.