Page 37 of Conner's Luna

"Is this really the time?" Sean says, albeit weakly. "Never mind," he mutters, "we have to."

I glance at him in the backseat. As I watch the phone pings with a message. He takes a look and his face falls a little. Then he shoves it into his pocket.

I take out my own phone and text Bailey again, asking her if she's awake yet. I know it's a dumb question. Obviously, if she's sleeping, she can't answer.

Bailey - no

C- y not?

Bailey - it's too early

C - you seem awake?

Bailey - work this morning

C - sucks for you

Bailey - I like work. Are you lazy?

C - mean girl

Bailey - I'm definitely above average, Conner

C - I walked into that one

Bailey - lol see you later, Conner

C - C ya Ballet

I can feel her rolling her eyes.



I ease the truck into the parking lot at school with what is most likely a dorky smile on my face. It's early Saturday morning and unlike me, Conner seems like he has Friday nights that result in late Saturday mornings. Hearing from him after he literally ran into the woods is a relief. He's probably going to sleep just now.

I, on the other hand, am switching vehicles at six in the morning, so that I can get to the Lab.

My rental car is cold as can be when I climb inside. The engine turns over slowly, sounding a little sluggish, so I let it run for a minute before I put the car in reverse and leave the spot. I keep Conner's keys. I figure he has an extra set and I don't want to risk leaving them somewhere.

By the time I get to the Lab, I've picked up two coffees and a bagel from a drive-thru and am ready to start the day.

I'm greeted by a tall, thin man with dark red hair going grey at the temples and deep brown eyes as soon as I reach my station. “Miss Washington," he smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes, "I'm Dr. Honekier."

I almost jump out of my skin. I feel my welcoming smile falter a little, surprised at finally meeting the man after not hearing a peep from him in two weeks. I hurriedly set down my coffees (the bagel I finished in the car) and reach out my hand to shake his.

Something resembling a faint smile crosses his face as he shakes my hand. "I've been impressed with your work, Miss Washington," he says.

"Thank you!" I say happily. Thank goodness something is going right. Bailey 1 - Life 347.

"In fact, I have a project I wanted you to work on," he hands me a green file folder with a series of codes and passwords on the cover. "Just keep working through these codes and flagging them. Pink, I believe, is your color?" His smile now holds a hint of mockery.

I nod and slowly take the folder. My little hairs are prickling. I chalk my uneasiness up to the oddity of being asked to switch projects without warning. I'm in the middle of flagging codes that Mark gave me. I hate to leave it in the middle, but it's not like I can refuse to take this new assignment from the man whose name is on the building.

"You seem upset," he points out.

I protest immediately, "oh no! I just hate leaving one project for another." I laugh a little, "I'm a little OCD that way."