My wolf happily replays the vision of a tousled, sleepy Bailey and my lips on her cheek, moving closer and closer to her mouth. He wants to try again, not caring that her scent gives away her discomfort at our almost-kiss.
I blow out my breath and sit up slowly, ready for the twinge in my stomach that has become a constant companion over the last few months. Nothing happens. I feel fine.
"I was dreaming," I tell her lamely. She nods, still not meeting my eyes and I have to bite back the growl of frustration from my wolf. He's decided he likes her eyes.
My phone rings again and I feel my heart drop to my toes. It's my Uncle Alex's ringtone. Shit. I scramble to my feet and hurry to answer. "Uncle Alex," I greet him.
"Conner. I need to speak with you. Come to this address immediately. The boys will meet you at the edge of Hunwoody." My phone dings with a text.
"Yes, sir," I respond.
"As quickly as possible, Conner."
"I'm leaving now," I promise him.
I look at Bailey and she smiles at me weakly. "I can-"
"Take my truck, babe. I'm being picked up," I tell her. "Drive it home and I'll pick it up when I can, alright?"
"My car-" she starts to protest.
"I'll have one of the guys drop it off at your house," I promise.
I move to her as she fidgets with the hem of her sweatshirt. My dream plays through my head again and I give in to the urge to touch her. Cupping her cheek I ask her, "are you OK to drive or should I call Braxton now?"
Bailey sinks into my touch for only the slightest second before she straightens back up. "I'm good to go," she says a little huffily. "I don't even need real painkillers."
I smile at the stubborn tilt of her jaw. Her pouty lower lip is sulky and my thumb brushes over it before I realize what I'm doing.
I drop my hand away from her face. "OK." I take a deep breath and help her outside and into the driver's seat of my truck. "Text me when you get home, alright?"
"I need your number," she grabs her phone and studies it intently with that pretty blush on her face. She looks tiny in the driver's seat so I help her adjust the seat until I'm satisfied that she'll be safe.
I tell her my number and she texts me. "OK, all set."
"Text me when you get home," I order her again.
She rolls her eyes. "I will, Conner." She is adjusting my mirrors and frowning in concentration. I may never be able to get everything back into the proper place, but it doesn't bother me. She's just too cute as she mutters to herself about how big my truck is.
"Alright. Go. I'm meeting my ride on the other side of the woods," I point to the forest stretching behind the house.
She frowns, looking toward the dark stand of trees in the distance. "Can I drop you off?"
"It's faster if I walk."
"It's getting dark," she adds, frowning.
"Flashlight," I answer easily. "I've done it plenty of times before."
Bailey nods, but she doesn't look like she is completely buying my story. I watch her pull out, going so slowly that I doubt the truck will clear the small bump at the end of the driveway. It does, barely, and Bailey pulls out into the street, with her blinker on. I wave, not bothering to fight the grin on my face when she doesn't release her death grip on the wheel to wave back.
Jogging into the woods, I shift into my wolf and grab my shit in the go-bag, shaking out the stiffness of my limbs. It's a bit smoother of a transition than it has been these last few months. My wolf is still feeling the contentment of being near Bailey.
Of almost kissing her.