Wow. Conner is Braxton's big brother. I picture both men and feel like an idiot. They do look remarkably similar. Same features, nearly the same height, similar build. Braxton's eyes are a light hazel-brown and Conner's are that sharp, unmistakable green, but they are definitely related.
"Oh, why do you have his phone?"
"We all came home for the weekend."
"You, Braxton, Sean, and Sage?" Now that I have more of the pieces, I try to put them together from the rumors and gossip on campus. I don't know why I didn't put it all together before. Everyone on campus seems to know the four boys. They're infamous for Conner's fighting and the aggression all four boys hold for Trey's minions. I hear my classmates, mostly other girls, talk about them all the time. I just never really paid it all much attention. See what happens when you don't have friends to share the gossip with?
"Sarj, Bails," he corrects me.
"His name. It's Sarj. With a 'juh' at the end."
"Sarj? Like sergeant? Like a drill sergeant in the army?"
Conner chuckles. "Yeah, just like that."
I pause. "Oh, I think some of the girls on campus keep calling him Sage. Thank goodness I never called him that to his face. Why do you have Braxton's phone?"
I think I hear Conner mumble something about his mom before he clears his throat. "I took it."
Odd boy. "Oh, well, may I speak with him, please?"
I wait. Then wait some more. I listen for the sound of movement that typically accompanies someone handing a cell to another person. It's dead silent.
"What is he doing?" I ask.
"Talking to our mom."
"Oh. That's nice." I pause again. There's still nothing. "Do you want me to call back?"
"No. He'll be done soon. Why don't you tell me about this project." It comes out as a demand, instead of a request, but I answer anyway.
"It's for Organic Chem. I'd like to do protein and DNA modifications in eukaryotic evolution, but maybe we should just do something with protein-encoding structures on DNA. What do you think?"
"The second one. It's easier to spell," he replies swiftly and confidently.
I giggle, but it ends up as a cough.
"Bails, you should be resting."
"I have to complete this project with Braxton." I lie back down on the couch and snuggle.
"Princess, that project, it sounds complicated. I'm not sure Braxton can keep up with it. Tell me more about it."
"Well, you know what DNA is?"
"Specifically?" I can practically hear him shrug his WWE-size shoulders. "Not exactly. Everyone's DNA is different. That's the extent of my knowledge."
"To put it simply, DNA converts into RNA used to produce proteins that are the complex molecules that living organisms need to develop, reproduce, and survive. Picture this; DNA is the boss with the instructions, RNA is the middle-managers running messages back and forth, and proteins are the workers."
"I feel like you just made a very complicated scientific process very, very simple, Bails."
"It's not hard. Not really. What makes it so complicated is the sheer number of different messages and bonds and combinations. All living creatures have DNA, yet we are nothing like a slug... well... most of us aren't," I amend, thinking of some of the nastier bullies on campus.
Conner starts to laugh, but it weakens. "Tell me more, Bails. What is it that you want to do with your little DNA factory?"