Page 11 of Conner's Luna

She giggles and I smile at the happy sound, despite her feeling wretched. "The tv remote is in that console next to you and there's roast beef and mashed potatoes in the fridge."

"OK, Bails, go to sleep."

She falls asleep quickly as I watch. A corkscrew curl falls over her cheek. I resist the urge to push it off her face. Instead, I go to the kitchen and help myself to the food. I can tell Bailey made it from her scent all over the container.

I gorge myself on the roast beef. I loathe saying it and will never admit it out loud, but Bailey's roast is better than my mom's.


4 - Braxton’s Big Brother


Mom kisses my cheek as she puts the plate laden with loaded baked potatoes and braised steak in front of me. She goes to Dad next, even though he should be served first. He turns his head, accepting her kiss on his mouth, but ends it quickly. Papa sits on his other side, a few inches between them. When Mama serves him, her lips don't even touch his skin, but when their eyes meet the love between them nearly sets Mom's good tablecloth on fire.

My parents used to not care if I saw them kiss a beat... or a minute... or five... too long. One of them was always touching another or both others. Now they tiptoe around me, not letting their affection for each other linger if I'm around. If they do happen to forget that my love life is as empty as theirs is full, they won't meet my eyes for a moment.

It's been six months, nearly seven, of this shit and they still keep it up. On the one hand, Dad explicitly forbade me from fighting Trey for my mate. On the other, they serve me first, as if I were a tiny pup again.

"Thanks, Mom," I say belatedly, picking up my fork to stir the food on my plate. It looks delicious, but my appetite is gone.

"Thank you, ma'am," Sarj says politely. Sean just grins and winks at her, which gets him a low, warning growl from Dad.

"Such a polite male," Mom says to Sarj happily, before tossing Sean a narrow-eyed look. Sean had a fling with a female in the pack and it's an understatement to say that Mom doesn't like her, but she loves Aunt Jackie and Uncle Gerald, Georgina's parents, so she keeps her opinion to herself.

We all dig in and Mom smiles beatifically as she gazes over her family. That's never a good sign.

"Conner, tell me about State. How is everything going?" she asks. Unlike the phone conversation, Mom knows I'm nothing but her captive at her dinner table. The gloves are off.

I glance at Dad and Papa to see if rescue is imminent, but they're both absorbed in cutting the meat for the pups because Mom didn't dice it up in the kitchen for the babies like she typically does.

It's an ambush, but one I was expecting.

"Nothing to report," I answer before shoving a forkful of beef into my mouth. It tastes like ash in my mouth, but I dig in as if I'm starving.

"Hmm. And how is your search for your mate, Sean?" Mom asks in a sickeningly sweet voice.

Sean bows his head, staring at his green beans. "Same," he says, staring fixedly at his plate. He's always hated questions about his possible mate. His mom is human, and he's always been quiet about the possibility that he may not have a mate. He shifted, though, and didn't tell anyone that he is MateLess, so I figure he must have a mate out there somewhere.

Braxton smiles at Mom. "I've met a really nice girl, Mom."

Mom lights up. "You have?" she exclaims excitedly, "who is she?" The joy in her voice trembles. Braxton lost his truemate, Caroline, shortly after his first shift years ago. He’s never indicated any interest in any female since her death.

I look up at my younger brother by two years, sharply. Yeah, who? Brax has been quiet for the last few weeks. In fact, now that I think about it, I've barely seen my brother for the last month despite living in the same house on campus with him.

"One of my study partners in Organic Chem. A human girl named Bailey. I mean, she's not a wolf, but she's really sweet and scary-smart. I like her as a friend."

The fork in my hand crumples to match Mom's crestfallen face.

"You have class with Bailey? I didn't know that," I rasp out, glaring at my traitor-brother.

The table goes quiet. Even the pups stop their incessant squabbling and open-mouthed chewing. A piece of beef falls out of Thea's mouth. I pick it up off my lap and place it back on her plate without taking my eyes away from Braxton.

"I thought I mentioned it," he says with false innocence.

I narrow my eyes at the scumbag, picturing putting the ruined fork through his cheek. What else is he keeping from me? He knows. Heknowsthat Bailey is Trey Wilkinson's truemate. I trusted him with all the info on Bailey when I figured out that Trey Wilkinson spends too much time obsessing over how to make her miserable. Sarj is the one who figured out that Bailey was most likely Trey's rejected human mate. RedMoon makes it obvious. Braxton has known for three months he was in class with the same girl.

"How do you know Bailey, Conner?" Dad asks. When the alpha-male speaks the pups go even quieter, not even squirming in their soft, pleather highchairs and booster seats.