I turn towards Caryn. "How about you, sweetheart?" I ask her softly. "Ever heard of her? Eelllnaa," I drawl out slowly while Caryn shakes and shivers, a few tears slipping down his cheeks. "Aw, sweetheart," I croon mockingly, "don't cry. Just tell me the truth before I rip you into pieces and eat you." The finger I'm running down her cheek sharpens into a claw, slicing shallowly into her skin. The thin stream of blood mixes with the tears that are pouring.
"Is she your mate?" a soft lisp interrupts my threats. Turning, a little shocked at the bravery of the pup, I see a flash of gold out of the corner of my eye.
I stand abruptly to see my cat, eyes narrowed on my face, as soft growl tumbling from her berry-ripe lips.
"Qitsuk, I wasn't-"
She punches me right in the dick.
27 - A Few More Lessons
Father always said I needed to hurt to remember lessons.
Maybe if I hit you harder, you won't forget again, eh?
I think maybe he was wrong.
I always hated that lesson. Of course, I do, but never as much as I do now, as Mactiir straightens out his body, slowly and carefully, then pins me in place with a hard stare. Yes, Father was wrong. I'll remember that hitting my male is a bad idea. It feels terrible to hit Mactiir.Reprehensible; guilty, blameworthy,sinful. Is it a sin? Is the goddess angry with me for hurting him? I nibble on my lower lip. I don't want both Mactiir and the goddess angry with me. They're the only ones I have now that Mama is gone.
"Qitsuk, go to our office." His tone isdeceptive; illusory, deceiving, false-hearted. Mild and low, his wolf rumbling gently, there's nothing wrong with his words or voice, but I know he's furious. It tremors in the air between us.
My footsteps are deliberately careful and slow. Not too slow, just slow enough that it won't look like I'm running away. The heavy tread of Mactiir is right behind me. I wince a little as his boots hit the wooden floor a little too hard. I don't know if his steps are weightier because he's angry or in pain. I didn't think I hit him that hard. I just wanted him to stop touching that female.
Now, he's going to wallop me.
Air is punched straight from my lungs at the thought of Mactiir hurting me with those meat-cleaver hands of his. Goddess, he's a giant of a male. His paws are like shovels compared to Father's little garden trowels.
I walk into the office a bit unsteadily. My eyes dart to the open window.
"Don't even think about it, you little hellcat," I hear the warning just after the door snicks shut.
I jump a little when the first touch comes. My breath is coming in pants, my lungs hurting with the harsh inhales I keep trying to pull into my body. My body quivers along the path of that firm touch as Mactiir runs his hand from my shoulder down my back, then around my waist. His fingers fold over my hip, and the pressure increases. My body whips around, flush to his chest. My she-wolf quakes, shutting her eyes and covering them with her paws. We are weaker than we ever thought for this male.
"Don't you dare act like I'm about to hurt you," he tells me. He isn't hiding the fury in his voice anymore. His words drip with it, coating my entire shivering frame in his rage. Heat from his body pours off of him and onto my suddenly-cold skin.
"I've never hit you. I am not the male you have stuck in your head. I can fucking feel it, little mate, the fear you have that I'll fucking turn on you.Justlike you did to me, yeah? Punching me in my dick? Not nice, kitten. Fucking,notnice."
I force my eyes to meet his. Burning-hot, his walnut-eyes are darkened fire. It takes away the chill in my bones and makes my spine straighten back up. He hasn't ever hit me, but he was slicing up another female, carving into her as if she's a fish. I don't like it. I don't want my Mactiir touching her in any way.
Mactiir stares at me, taking a shuddering breath, then another. I can feel his anger quelling, being forced back down. He takes my hand and pulls me to the oversized chair behind his desk, sitting down with me in his lap. I hold stiff, uncertain with this male who has barely contained his anger.
"Alright, my little hellcat. Males are dominant, yeah? It is expected that I punish you. Stop it," he snaps out when I try to wriggle off his lap. "I told you I willneverhit you." He swallows and licks his lips. "I need respect, you little demon. You disrespected me, in front of prisoners, no less. In front of the pack, I am in charge of. In private, you are my mate, my equal. In public, I am thealpha."
His hand cups my jaw, thumb gently rubbing over my lower lip that's all cut up now from my teeth. I try to read his intentions in his eyes. I shift uncomfortably. The itchiness in my spine is back. His other arm wraps around my body, holding me in place.
"A punishment," he mutters, his breath hitching as his lips gently stroke mine. Tentative, gently seeking, before it deepens.
I'm startled, not understanding why this male is kissing me now after I hurt him.
"Shh, my little hellcat, just feel," he murmurs against my mouth.
I fight the feelings rising in my secret place. I do, but my she-wolf is lolling around, happy with Mactiir's attention.
The hand cupping my jaw trails down, gently caressing my body, working its way lower and lower. My thighs part from the unspoken demand. Fingers trail across my bare thighs. Twisting, I try to burrow closer, silently demanding that Mactiir stop the frustration scoring me. My skirt is flipped up; panties pushed to the side.