Rhet snorts. "She's a luna, alright."
I can't argue with that.
I pull the clean dress over my head, rolling my eyes at the bells ringing softly as the fabric settles over them.
Mactiir is out in the kitchen. I can only just hear his deep voice talking to Blue-Star and the Dark Male. I'm not sure where the pup is.
I hang up the towel I used to wipe the last of the dirt off in the fancy bathroom and wander into the big central room. I can hear something intriguing, maybe even more fascinating than Mactiir.
What, in the name of the goddess herself, is that?
I look up the... oh, what did Mactiir call it? Well, the crooked ladder thing that descends grandly next to the fireplace. The noise, popping and clicking, is coming from up those stairs.
I look over my shoulder as I start to ascend the ladder. Mactiir isn't anywhere to be seen, but I can still hear his voice, feel his presence, like a light flickering in the distance.
I take a cautious step into the room at the top of the ladder. The pup is lying on some sort of odd pillow on the floor, a black box in his hand. A... t.v. hangs on the wall, the colors on the picture and popping sounds are loud and jarring this close. I wonder how he can stand it.
"Hey!" he springs to his feet. "Ah, does In know you're up here? Shit!" he steps around the pillow and rushes to me.
I take a sidestep away from him, letting out a low warning growl from deep in my chest. My she-wolf flashes fangs, my hair practically standing on end. I walked into his den, my mistake.
"Shit!" he curses again but comes to a halt in the middle of the room. "Holy fuck, that's why he calls you'Qitsuk.'You really do look like a cat."
I do not. Honestly, pack wolves, pah.
The pup doesn't seem angry at my intrusion, so I wander further into the room, my attention caught by the bed shoved in one corner. Its dark blue comforter is tightly tucked into the sides, but all sorts of things are scattered over the top. Shiny, skinny boxes with pictures all over them. I take a look at them, careful not to touch anything that belongs to the pup. Bad enough that I'm in his den.
"Yeah, so those are games. You want to see?" The pup motions toward the t.v. Taking one of the shiny boxes, he opens it and takes out a thin circle of metal. Walking back over, he does something with a narrow black box with a flashing green light. The sounds stop abruptly, and a low tone sound through the room.
I watch him closely as he puts the metal circle in the black box and picks up... something. A new picture pops up on the t.v.
"So, this is Lara Croft. It's old, but something you might like," he smiles at me. "Here, sit on this."
He grabs a pillow and plops it down next to the one he had been sitting on. Warily, I sit down. I sink in, the crinkling of the chair making me wonder why the pup has these?
I watch himplayhisgamefor a little while. He's very much like Mactiir, always talking, talking, talking. At first, I try to pay attention, but I feel agitated and uncomfortable. Probably the pillow.
This is a curious space. There's just so much stuff, and it all seems a little... useless. Standing, I walk over, examining the clothes and other items strewn over the messier bed in the middle of the wall. Some of it smells like food. I spot a few ants scurrying here and there.
They remind my wolf of Ant. She barks happily at the mental image of Ant scurrying away from us, holding her bleeding hand to her chest.
Other things are piled haphazardly. There does seem to be a Pup-sized clear spot in the center of the bed. He must gather his things around him like I do.
Something curious catches my eye. Is that... a foot? I pull it out from under a sock and a bottle of lotion. It's a magazine. Mama and I had two. One was the Farmer's Almanac, and the other was an old National Geographic about African elephants.
I turn the magazine toward me and feel my eyes widen at the pretty female on the front cover. An uncomfortable-looking bunch of shiny, red straps cover her secret place, exposing her breasts. Her skin is dusky. Her lips are painted a bright red color. She's lovely.
Even more intrigued, I open the cover and start to flip through the pages. The females are naked, most fully, although some are wearing tiny scraps of material like the female on the cover. I'm so shocked I almost drop the magazine a few pages in. A nude male is holding the hips of the female in front of him. His long knobby stick is poking her in her secret place…Insideof her secret place.
Holy goddess. I guess it's not a secret place for this female, is it?
I glance over at the Pup, but he's preoccupied with his game. I look back at the magazine. Turning a few pages, I see more pictures of the males hurting the females. Only... the females don't look like they hurt. There are no bruises, no tears. In fact, the females usually have expressions that seem... well, not happy, exactly, but something close.
The males all look intently at the females while the females stare out at the reader. There are a lot of positions for sticking secret parts together. Some of them I'm not entirely convinced would work in real life.