I frown, then smile at him when he finally slides a glass of water, just water, across the bar to me. "Simple tastes? I like that," he murmurs.
I shift my weight on the stool, and it spins a little, taking me around in a half-circle. The music is turned up louder, and I turn even more to watch some of the wolves on a wooden floor dancing.
The Laughing Male strides into theateing Hoewith a look of profound relief on his face. "Thanks, Owen," he tilts his chin up in the direction of the sandy-haired drink-giver.
"No problem, Ez. She's pretty adorable," Drink-Giver winks at Laughing Male.
"She's precious. And extremely dangerous," the Laughing Male confirms with a grin. He settles himself on the stool next to me and grabs a bottle that Drink-Giver hands him.
"How is everyone in Genom?" Drink-Giver asks the Laughing Male.
"Good. This year, we've added so many head that we needed to open both southern pastures. It's been a good year."
"Need some help wintering them?"
"In a couple of months, sure. They're well-fed this year. In fact, in the last week, the fields and cattle have been abundant. We’re lucky this time."
"That's great. Especially with trouble brewing from the FeraxMaw," the Drink-Giver says grimly.
"Other packs are still hunting for food," Laughing Male agrees, "but Orion Ferax is reducing the numbers in his pack. They won't be starving this year."
Laughing Male turns to me with a smile. "The ranch is a small operation. We only have around four hundred head of cattle, but it's enough to feed the pack throughout the winter."
"Ever since your brother brought the bison in, the meat is excellent," Drink-Giver smacks his lips.
"Had a good hunt last night," the dark-haired male with the female who gave me this dress interjects. He slides onto the stool on the other side of the Laughing Male. "We may not need to slaughter the bulk of the herd this year."
Laughing Male nods, "we'll see," he says. “We’ve never had enough to sell, but maybe that’s the next step?”
Bored with their discussion, I slide off of the stool and start to wander over to the dancers. I hear the Laughing Male choke a little behind me. "What the fuck is she wearing?!"
"My dress," the female says, worry evident in her voice. "It's all we had extra, and she's much taller than I am."
"Goddess, In is going to birth kittens when he sees her."
"Is he... ah... cominghere?" a voice I don't recognize asks.
"Of course," the Laughing Male scoffs.
"You called him?"
"No. No one has to call him. She's here. He'll be here. Soon."
25 - Seeing Red
"Is it jailbait night tonight, and no one told me?" Drink-Giver grouses as a slight, yellow-haired female walks into theateingHoe.
I look over, curious to see what has this cheery male turning grumpy. The female is much shorter than I am, skinny arms and legs, but with a soft, round face. Apple cheeks curve out under eyes of an odd light brown color. Her hair is the same shade as her eyes, making her seem somehowwholesome; healthy, natural, sweet.
Excitement rises. My she-wolf gives a little bark. She recognizes this female as one of the wolves who played with her earlier.
We liked that game!
My she-wolf is wagging her bottom back and forth, begging to play again. I practically skip over to Apple Cheeks, ignoring the reddish-brown-haired female with her black-haired shadow-male trying to step in front of me.