I turn to greet Rhet and Thjis, only to meet sparkling green eyes.
"Ezra," I say his name slowly, because if Ezra is here, then...
"Inuit!" Lyri steps out from behind her three males with a huge smile crossing her face.
"Lyri," I say her name in a warning tone. I don't mean to, but my mate is behind me, naked, vulnerable, and I don't want other wolves, even family, coming into our home right now. My wolf's hackles are raised. This is his den with his female. No one can waltz into his space.
"Inuit," she repeats my name, her eyes widening as she realizes she's not welcome.
"You need a minute, pup?" Rhet asks, humor lighting his blue eyes.
I send him a glare and adjust my still-half-hard dick in my pants.
Lyri lets out a sigh, shaking her head. "And Penny has left me here alone with all of you." Then she smiles. "I want to meet her, In. There's too much testosterone in the air."
"She needs to get dressed-" I tell Lyri, but I'm really warning my naked golden female who is trying to peer past me to the crowd on our doorstep.
"My goddess, In," Lyri breathes, her shocked gaze fixed on my nude mate winding her body around me as ifshe'strying to shieldmefrom prying eyes. I don't budge, letting my body fill the doorframe. One hand goes up to clutch the doorframe, the other I put behind me, wrapping around my mate's smooth thigh. Damn, herthighs.Stop thinking about them.
"Maybe they need some time alone, love," Ezra is barely hiding his laughter. I know he's seeing my semi tenting my pants.
"Maybeweneed some time alone," Thjis mumbles. The big male's hands are shoved into the pockets of his oversized fleece jacket, but his eyes are watching his mate longingly.
"Shh, Bear. I want to meet her. We have plenty of time," Lyri coos to Thjis, patting his chest. She and my brother sway toward each other, like magnets or mates who missed each other. I can't imagine being separated from my cat for even an hour.
"I need this time," I tell Lyri. "We need time. You can meet her later."
Lyri's nostrils flare, and her eyes narrow on me. I bite back my groan. I reek of my mate, of her pleasure and mine. My mate didn't hold back. Her hands and mouth have been all over my body and mine on hers. And,fuck, is she fucking unbelievably gorgeous and so damnresponsive.
"I don't know if I should congratulate you or smack you across the face. Let usin, In," Lyri snaps me out of my daydream.
My glower clashes with Lyri's. The Luna of our pack may be pissed with me, but my cat is mine, and this is our home.
"She's been with Inuit just a few days, Angel," Rhet adds his two cents into the conversation. There's a mischievous twinkle in his blue eyes.
"Iknow!" Lyri chokes out. Two spots of color highlight her cheekbones dusky red. "Days.I know!" she repeats. Her eyes turn toward me, violence broiling in their honeycomb depths.
"I am going to beat you senseless, In. I can smell you all over her! She's a baby!" her voice climbs higher and higher.
"She's mine," comes the guttural reply. Dangerous aggression simmers in my wolf. I feel hands rubbing my back. One golden arm reaches around and pats my stomach. My muscles ripple and flex under her palm.
"She purrs," Ezra points out.
"For me," I snarl. I want to take a step backward and slam the door shut, but my wolf won't let me retreat.
Now the hand on my stomach is tapping. Impatiently, I might add. I grab her fingers gently, letting her know that I'm not ignoring her or trying to shut her away from my family. I'm trying to shut my family away from her.
"There's something about her," Lyri says softly.
"She's a luna," Thjis points out, "like you."
"She's a Wild Luna," Rhet blurts out, sounding like a smart-ass pup in school who's been sitting on the correct answer, waiting to share it with the rest of the class.
"No one but you knows what that is," Ezra chirps. "Nerd," he adds.
"I know what it means," I say grimly. Pieces fall into place. My mate, who lives in the trees, hugs them and tenderly cares for plants and animals. Helga always seems to burst with milk just after Qitsuk pets her. Lyri’s plants perk up after my cat tends them for only a few minutes.
I tuck my cat behind me, more forceful with the way I handle her now. Wild Lunas are rare... practically a myth. They are part wolf, part hedgewitch. Thewildresponds to them, and they to the wild.