Page 24 of Untamed

"Qitsuk," I warn her, letting my wolf's low rumble soothe hers.

A growl is my answer. Her she-wolf isn't relenting, either. My stubborn, wild little cat.

I try again, crooning my name for her, stroking my hand down her hair, her back. Once, twice, on the third pass, I cup her bottom and try to pull her closer again.

Her shivers of awareness stop abruptly before she hisses at me and tries to pull away, only stopping because of the chains, just like a cat.

I blink, trying not to inhale her scent too deeply. It's hard enough to have her in my arms, golden eyes on me, and not just pin her down and Mark and Mate her right away.

She's just as golden on feet as she is on paws with dusky-dark skin the color of caramel. Cascades of tangled blond hair tumble halfway down her back, thick masses with a little bit of curl. The ends are rough as if cut quickly or not trimmed recently. Her eyes glow golden-bright, cat's eyes framed with long lashes that make my lips twitch in a smile. They're too delicate for such a ferocious kitten.

She's taller than most females. The top of her head tucks just under my chin. I don't have a good idea of her body wrapped up like she is… if she's too thin or unhealthy. I pick up her hand and examine her nails, curled a little long, sharp, and too dark to belong to anyone other than a wild female. Under the nails, her skin is ripped and torn.

"PoorQitsuk," I murmur. She needs a warm bath, some soothing... oil, salts, or whatever females use. I'm willing to bet I can find some of that stuff in Luna Gloria's house. Well, my house, now. Does my mate like blue flowers and curtains with lace? Maybe she'll love it.

I smile more fully at her, and she snaps her teeth at me in response, her canines a touch too long to look civilized.

"You're fucking adorable," I tell her.

Another sort of growl greets my words. Her stomach is growling.

"Food," I demand from the patrol.

Rhet is the one who hands me a packed sandwich. His face is carefully neutral, but anger dances in his eyes. I ignore it.

"Call everyone but the patrols to town."

One eyebrow raises on Rhet's face. The only sign of his disapproval. He nearly punched me when he saw the chains Asher brought for me. Asher wisely made himself scarce when the older male pinned him with that cold look of disdain. Just a few years ago, that look would have made me turn belly-up, too.

"She's hungry, and it will be night soon. I need to feed her and get her home," I mutter to him, reluctantly defending my actions to my older, adoptive brother and Beta.

"Then feed her. And don't lose any fingers," he shoots out at me. By his tone, he's hoping I lose at least one.

I turn back to my mate without another word. She is eyeing the sandwich with a look of hunger mixed with distrust. While the other wolves send word, organizing themselves into patrols, I lead my mate to the roots of an overturned tree and sit down. It takes a few tugs to make her settle next to me. Her limbs resist my movement. She's not fighting, not clawing at me or trying to bite, but she's not cooperating, either.

"Eat,Qitsuk," I carefully hold her wrists in one hand and the sandwich in the other. She turns her head from me, golden eyes widening on something.

I glance, quickly, loathe to take my eyes off of her for more than a split second. She's staring at Jane. The female warrior is one of the best, although I have a feeling that she'll retire in the next couple of years. Jane is staring right back at my mate, her eyes wide in disbelief and awe. The female drops her gaze when she sees me looking.

"Qitsuk," I draw her attention back to me. Holding the sandwich up to her lips, I nod encouragingly.

She tugs her wrists against my grip. Her mouth stays stubbornly shut even when her stomach growls again.

"Eat," I command sternly. Golden eyes flit away from me again. Frustration hits me like a two-by-four between the eyes. My wolf is flashing fang, ready to Mark our cat. Then we can den up, feed her, hold her for a few days... or weeks.

"Alphason," Rhet's sarcasm makes me stiffen. "Everyone is ready."

Unfortunately, I can't just run home with my mate. The RustClaw is my pack, and I will be the Alpha. This means my mate must be presented to the pack as their soon-to-be Luna. RustClaw needs to see their future, to celebrate and revel in the continuation of the pack's strength. Especially with enemies breathing down our necks, edging closer and closer. Let my cousins know that their attempts at taking over are futile. Let the pack wolves know that I will be a true alpha leading with my truemate.

Giving up on feeding her, I stand back up and loop the chain around my mate's wrists more securely. I see her eyes move to her hands, then to the trees, her gaze darting around withintent. She is planning her escape, my tricky little cat.

"Let's go,Qitsuk. You'll eat later," I tell her. As we start walking, I realize that I just lost this battle over her meal. Damnit.

The trip back to town from our location would typically take three hours, walking leisurely. With myQitsuk, it takes five-and-a-half. By the time we can see the school on the outskirts of the business district, Rhet and Ashton are both smirking at me.

My cat's feet stop movingagain. I swear to the goddess if the willful little cat sits her ass on the ground again...

"Qitsuk!" I snarl. I don't yank on the chains. I refuse to hurt her. I wouldn't ever deliberately harm an inch of her stubborn, recalcitrant body. I turn around, scowling at her, only to feel my heart melt when I see her beautiful face.