I bite my lower lip. I've shed enough tears today.
"Now, these males, they brought you here? Immediately, or did you find your way here on your own?"
I shake my head, "no," I croak. Clearing my throat, I try again, "no, they brought me here. After that night."
Bea nods, a grim look on her face. "You aren't alone, Lyri. Never think that. There's a reckoning coming. You mark my words."
We sit, sipping tea, for a few minutes. I think about what has happened. I'm so isolated out here. I needed it, still do, but I never really imagined that the rest of the pack was dwelling over my Shaming. I wanted to pretend that everyone forgot about me. I want to be forgotten.
Bea sits upright with a determined exhale. "Now, let's clean up that hair, youngling. It's atrocious, pardon me for saying."