Page 41 of Unforgivable



I totally hate thatbitch. I hear Jasmine call her Gabbi and gag a little. I call her Gabrielle. She's only Gabbi to her friends, which I used to be, but not anymore!

I won't be friends with a bitch. I'm tense on the seat of the bench, not eating my lunch. I'm just listening, waiting to hear thatbitch say my sister's name.

They're just jealous because the alphason likes her. Or, well, liked her. I'm not sure what Lyri was thinking, sleeping with him. Everyone knows that he's in love with Cloe. What was she going to be, his mistress? He does like her, though. He stares at Lyri when no one is watching, but I always saw it. I used to watch my sister all the time. She's awesome, or was awesome.

Now she's a rankwhore, according to thebitch. Gabbi's older sister, Mari, is mated with the future beta, Drew. She's a total bitch, too.

"Do you think that she'll be a rankwhore, too?" Gabbi giggles to Jasmine. I know they're looking at me.

I start to stand, only to hear a voice with a super-cute accent growl out, "I suggest you stop talking about Penny."

Everyone stops talking. I gape at the male who sits next to me on the bench. Deep brown, slightly slanted eyes. Really dark, silky hair that hangs a little in his face. A, like, really awesome tan. He's super-cute but really intimidating.

"Hi," he smiles at me with straight teeth, very pointy canines.

"Hi, Inuit," I say shyly. Oh, my goddess, I sound like a total dork.

"Well, yeah," Gabbi sniffs, "she's their whore now."

Inuit stands so quickly, I let out a totally embarrassing squeak. Then he growls at Gabbi. Growls. At. Gabbi. He's only, like, twelve! And his growl sounded totally real. His hands flicker, his fingernails darkening just a bit. He curls his fists, hiding them away, but I saw it. He’s too young to be shifting, but then again, it’s Inuit Genom.

"She's such a bitch," Inuit scoffs when he sits back down.

I giggle, "that's totally what I call her, thebitch."

He offers me another rare smile. "You should eat, Penny."

I put something in my mouth and let the taste of chicken wash away the nerves. I don't talk to a lot of the males. Especially this male. Well, no one talks to this male. He's scary.

"Why is your name Inuit?" O.M.G. I can't believe I asked him that. I can feel my face get hot. It's weird that he's named after a language, but c'mon! Stupid Penny.

His smile fades, but he doesn't leave. "I'm from... the north. Ezra said I look like an Eskimo, and I got pissed. It's derogatory. I told them it's 'Inuit,' and it stuck."

I stare at him, wide-eyed. "So, your name isn't really Inuit?"

He smiles again. "My pack believes that names are sacred. We're given a pup-name at birth. Then another when we shift, or some life-changing event occurs."

Sadness fills his eyes. "Something happened?" I guess.

"Yeah," he nods shortly.

I try to think of something to brighten him up. "So, you'll change your name when you shift for the first time?"

He shakes his head. "You don't do that here."

"So what? Do what you want." I shrug and pop another piece of chicken into my mouth.

"OK, Penny. Eat your food."

I roll my eyes at him. Inuit. I like this male.
