Page 149 of Unforgivable

"Alphas and Lunas dance... um... if they travel. Some packs like to have parties where they dress really fancy and dance all those special dances." Tears prick her lashes, "I thought it would be useful, and I really liked it. I've never left the pack, though."

I would kill someone right now to make her smile again. Leaning in, I lace our fingers together on one hand, placing my other hand on her waist. Her free hand drifts up to my shoulder and rests there. Slowly, I take a step forward, then back, whirling her gently until she falls into step. Her eyes widen with pleasure, and I smirk knowingly, "I took that elective, too. I thought I could pick up a lot of pretty females that way."

She bursts into laughter, and I grin. "Now, Rhet would never take direction from someone else, so he can't dance with you like this... and Thjis just doesn't fit; how would you hold onto him?"

She's giggling at me as we whirl around the dance floor, clearly the best-looking couple here, ahem.

"When you're the Luna of this pack, you will travel, my love," I whisper to her, using it as an opportunity to pull her closer. "And I will dance with you as much as you want."

Kissing isn't part of the steps, but who the fuck cares?


When we stumble back to the table, we're both sweaty, but Lyri's eyes are shining with happiness, and my wolf is strutting, proud that he did that.

"Don't you two look wonderful out there," Jane exclaims.

I smile, reluctantly giving Lyri to Thjis, who immediately pulls her into his lap, fussing over her hips and injuries like the mother hen he thinks he's not.

Our table has grown in popularity with Luna Gloria holding court. Rhet is at the bar, talking to Owen and Franco. I sit and start to eat, wanting to soak up any alcohol I drink after this.

Thjis is hand-feeding our female. I feel that spark of jealousy, but I quickly quell it when Lyri tells Jane about the dance elective we both took. She's happy with me, happy with my brothers.

After I eat, I stand up. "Bathroom," I tell Thjis. He nods, his dark eyes traveling around, watchful of the wolves in the room. It's getting crowded in the bar as more and more wolves trickle in.

Luna Gloria stands up with me. "Escort me to the door, youngling. It's past my bedtime."

I walk with Luna Gloria on my arm. As we get closer to the door, the crowd gets thicker. I feel a small flicker of fear when I can't see Lyri anymore.

I dismiss the feeling. Rhet and Thjis are right next to her. Along with Franco, Jane, and about half a dozen other wolves that will defend her.

"Thank you, youngling." Luna Gloria turns to me when we get outside. "Now," she reaches up and pats my cheek with her papery-thin hand, "don't forget how special you are to her. She will need you when her life is too dark, youngling. Don't dismiss your importance."

I mumble a thank you. I swear I'm blushing, but the compliment hits home. I need a moment to myself before braving the crush of wolves inside, so shoving my hands in my pockets, I walk towards the woods just a few yards away to piss.

I do my business and zip up. Light and music spill out of the Watering Hole. The din isn't too noisy, but I still don't hear the crunch of gravel until they're only about ten feet away.

Spinning around, I see Giles McCormack and Rick Ferguson approaching me.

"Males," I greet them cautiously. They both look pissed the fuck off, but I'm not sure why.

"Ezra, you fucking punk," Rick spits at me.

"Ah, no offense, Rick, but what the fuck crawled up your ass and died?" I ask, rocking on my heels. I'm ready, fight, or flight; it depends on how these two plan to approach this.

"My brother. You fuckers killed him. I know you did."

Well, that's true. Not that I remember killing Mike, but my wolf is swishing his tail back and forth smugly, so clearly he remembers.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I say with a bored tone.

"Doesn't matter. My brother was a dick, but you," he points at me.

Huh, interesting family dynamic.

"You. Here with her. What the fuck did you do to be with her? Why don't you crawl away like the mutt you are and leave Lyri to the real wolves?" Rick continues.

My blood freezes in my veins when Rick starts talking, but it's boiling hot by the end of his little speech. Ironic, huh, that Luna Gloria just told me that I'm 'special.' I'm Lyri's fucking sunshine. No one else gets to be that.