Page 97 of Unforgivable

"So what? It's just water," he teases me softly.

Ezra slumps down on the sofa next to us. "Speaking of water," Rhet says, "drink this, Ez."

Ezra greedily gulps down the water Rhet hands him. With a burp, he leans his head on Thjis' shoulder and closes his eyes.

"Sorry, Lyri," he whispers.

I lean over and kiss his handsome face. He smiles but doesn't open his eyes. I think my Sunshine is embarrassed about being drunk in front of my parents. I don't care, though. It's not like I haven't ever seen dad and mom pack away too much beer on a casual Saturday night. Mom sings and dad dances, 'nough said.

Rhet sits down on Thjis' other side and picks up my hand in his own to play with my fingers. "So, how is Penny doing?" he asks my parents.

They happily let my alpha-male change the subject. Inuit and Penny have become good friends. It makes me a little concerned, knowing that they're upstairs with only Sarj as a chaperone.

My concerns for Penny and Inuit come to a screeching halt with my mom's next words, "well, it's nice to see Lyri with males she loves who love her so very much in return."

The air in the room is gone. Completely sucked out by a crazed mama-wolf. She's just suffocated us all.

"I- um, that's not what... I said that-" I stammer.

"You told me you loved them earlier," mom says with absolutely no remorse at kicking her daughter under the bus.

"Mom!" I whine. Oh, crap, she's killing me.

Rhet's mouth captures mine. "Is that right, pretty? You love us? Me?" he says quietly.

I turn away from those piercing blue eyes, hiding my face in Thjis' chest and nodding.

"That's... that's good, beautiful," Rhet murmurs into my ear. "That's so fucking good."

Thjis stands with me in his arms, abruptly. "I have to talk to Lyri," he announces.

Ezra climbs to his feet, swaying a little. "That's not fair-"

"Let Thjis speak with her for a minute, Ez," Rhet says. Blue eyes burning bright.

"Fine," Ezra slumps.

Thjis carries me out to the back patio and sets me on my feet, but holds me tight to his chest. I look up, up, up, all the way into my Bear's intensely dark gaze.

"I love you," he tells me. My breath catches. He frowns, "I wanted to tell you before you said it," he mutters.

I giggle, clapping my hand over my mouth. Reluctantly he smiles at me. "I love you, Lyri. I never thought I would have the chance to tell a female that. I love you."

"I love you, too! Let's eat. I'm fucking drunk over here," Ezra yells from inside the patio.

"You fuck everything up, don't you?" Thjis hollers back.

I wince. My parents have neighbors on either side of their house.

I walk inside, pulling a cursing Thjis behind me. "Be nice to your brother," I tell him.

"He started it," comes the mumble.

I walk inside with Ezra and Thjis trying to trip each other up behind me. Rhet grins when he sees us, grasping my hand in his and tucking me into his side to walk into the dining room. Mom's gone all out, ordering a ton of food and breaking out the fancy plates.

I sit when Rhet pulls out my chair for me, mom smirking knowingly at us.

"Sarj!" Inuit bellows at the top of his lungs. I jump, not used to the older pup yelling at his younger brother, but mom handles it like a pro.