My Lyri has herself a stalker. Fuck.
I hear him approaching and tense. It's time to put the fear of the wolf into this son-of-a-bitch.
I sit in the chair at his desk and wait. He walks in and freezes as he catches my scent.
"Hello, Liam," I say quietly.
He's undecided. I can see the debate raging in his head. Does he flee or shout out to his family, or does he stay quiet and find out why I'm here?
"Come have a seat, Liam," I keep my voice as even and pleasant as I can.
Slowly he edges inside, wary eyes fixed on me. It's the right decision. I could be across the room with his life's blood spilling out over my claws before he could even finish shouting.
"Why are you here?" he asks harshly. His eyes dart to the wall of Lyri.
"Just visiting. So, tell me, Liam, is Penny really your mate?"
His eyes dart to and fro, but he nods, jaw stiff.
"That's unfortunate, isn't it?"
"I always loved Lyri," he mutters. "But, I wouldn't ever reject Penny."
"How pleasant of you," I smile. I'm sure in the semi-dark room my face looks eerie. My suspicions are confirmed when Liam visibly flinches away.
"You listen, real damn good, Liam. The only reason for you to be breathing right now is Lyri's baby sister. The second my female tells me that she doesn't want you around Penny is the second I end your worthless existence. No matter where you go, no matter how you hide, I will find you. And when I do? I will make you beg for me to kill you."
I smile as his whole body jerks. Apparently, he didn't think I would be so blunt. But, I'm tired. Burying bodies takes a lot out of you.
"So, stay away from the Song females, and you may last a little longer."
I stand, and he cowers away. "Have a nice night, Liam."
I toss some more hair gel in. Yeah, I know, but I'm fucking nervous as hell. We all are. Thjis is already drinking, brooding, and pissy. Rhet is... well, wherever the fuck Rhet is. He was gone until late a few nights ago, then stayed in the barn, drinking by himself like a loser. He's spent the last couple of days by himself "working" real fucking hard at sucking.
I would feel bad for my bro, but he spent all this week hogging Lyri to himself. Like he's catching up on a decade and a half of celibacy with our female. He even took part of my night with her, again, staying in the room, talking, until Lyri's eyes couldn't stay open anymore. Fuck him, though, because as she fell asleep in my arms, she called me 'Sunshine' again.
"You stink, pretty-boy," Thjis elbows me away from the mirror.
"Why are you in my bathroom?"
"Lyri's asleep in my bed, and I don't want to wake her up, yet," he smirks slyly at me.
"Asshole. Why is she in your bed?" One of our 'rules,' aka, Rhet's rules, is that she sleeps in her bed so that we don't fight over her like a doll. That way, it's her choice to spend time with us or kick us out of her room. Not that she ever kicks us out.
"We were watching a cooking show, and she fell asleep," he admits.
"A cooking show?" I ask.
"I think she wants to surprise you," he tells me, looking a little sheepish.
"Way to help keep her secret, dumbass," I scoff at him.
"You want her to be in the kitchen, Ez?" Thjis grins in the mirror, shouldering me to the side again so he can check his teeth. "Do you have a razor?"