"Nearly four months after that night? He's probably fully Mated with some pups," I tell him quietly. "Only sheer desperation would make Lyri turn rankwhore."
He shakes his head sadly. "I don't want her to leave," he whispers.
"She won't," I say firmly. "She's smart, our female. She won't get back together with a male who rejected her. She's smarter than I was, definitely. And her little she-wolf is a strong bitch."
Ezra shakes his head, "I can't fucking believe it. I just can't believe it." A couple of tears leak from his eyes.
We're quiet for a moment. "We can't push her to tell us. He'll fuck up and reveal himself. Maybe we should go to that barbeque. See what shakes down."
Ezra looks up at me with hard eyes. "Whoever he is, we need to bury him."
"I'll call Rhet," I tell him.
I refuse to open my eyes. The warmth on my face tells me that it's the sun shining on me, but I can't open my eyes to greet my friend.
I'm too ashamed. I couldn't speak, couldn't tell my males the truth. Couldn't warn them.
Guilt is settling into my gut. I've always prided myself on being practical and pragmatic. It's how I pushed through Daan's rejection. I planned everything; how to get his attention, win over the pack, and beat Cloe for females' top rank. When it went so completely awry, I grabbed hold of Rhet's plan and went with it.
To someone else, it may seem like a really low thing to do. Take a shattered, dying female and bring her back as some sort of sex toy, but I was sensible. I had to heal. I was in shock, mourning, weak, and helpless. These males offered me a way to get better.
I never intended to stay here forever. I was determined to recover, sleep with the males as 'payment,' then take off for greener pastures.
I've fallen... or maybe I'm falling... in love. With them? With the males? I don't know, but I do know that I'm starting to love it here. I love the peace and tranquility of Genom, of the ranch. I love waking up and having Ezra cook breakfast while flirting with me. I love how Thjis is so knowledgeable and shares it all with me. I love how Rhet takes me for rides and is secretly funny. I love Sarj and Inuit. Who wouldn't?
I'm starting to love this life I've been thrust into. Sex, what is that? A bonus? The meaning of sex, of making love, was ruined for me. I gave it away to Daan, and then it was stolen from me. Now, at least I can say I enjoy it. I enjoy my males.
So I love living here, and I enjoy the sex. It's turning out to be so good...
And I'm going to destroy these males. The burden of my mate is too high. Daan is gone away with Cloe... for now. When they return, my new world will implode.
I have to be practical. I can't be scared and stupid anymore. I'm bringing disaster to my doorstep, and my poor males don't even know it.
I can hear his footsteps enter the house. My she-wolf tenses. The alpha-male is home... and angry. I can hear it in his ground-eating stride, feel it in his tense frame as he stalks into my room.
I look blearily at the furious male standing at the end of my bed. Fists clenched at his sides, he scowls down at me. "You should've told Alpha Jax that you were rejected. It makes your seduction of his son much more palatable. It's an excuse. Do you understand, Lyri? You may have been spared everything that happened to you."
I just look at him mutely. I don't know how to answer that. Daan told his father, years ago, that Cloe was his truemate. They were together for years before I seduced him that night. They are the golden couple of the pack. Who the hell, on the face of this earth, would believe the crazy rankwhore when she accuses the beloved alphason of being a liar and a mate betrayer? Ha. If it didn’t happen to me, then I wouldn't have even believed it. It's laughable in a sad, demoralizing way.
I just don't know what to say. I hate the disappointment in those sharp blue eyes. I'm just so tired.
"I can't talk about this, Rhet. Please don't ask." I don't think I'll be able to take being cast out by these males.
He comes to me, crawling right over my prone body, crowding me backward, engulfing me in the scent of dominant male. I force my wolf down, convincing myself that Rhet won't physically hurt me. He promised not to.
"I need to know, but Thjis has convinced me that we should let you tell us when you're ready." He takes a breath, his eyelashes fluttering. His blue eyes are dark, glowing with power. It's mesmerizing, and not for the first time I wonder who this male is? I never saw power like this from Daan. I saw it from Alpha Jax when he condemned me to be Shamed, but never from Daan.
"So, I'll tell you what the deal is going to be, pretty wolf," he croons. Everything in me goes stock-still. My wolf crouches low, ears laid back, alert, and wary. Whatever is coming isn't going to be 'pretty,' no matter what endearment this male uses.
"I- my wolf," he amends, "needs to know that you are his, not some other male's. This whole... rejected mate shit is a problem, understand?"
No, I don't. Mutely I shake my head.
"I'm jealous, pretty. My brothers have had you, and I am going to take you. Soon. Will you accept me, Lyri? My wolf," he emphasizes, "is pushing this hard. He wants you. I want you. Soon."