Page 72 of Unforgivable

"Not now, Ez," I tell him quietly.

"It hurts," she adds brokenly.

"Yeah, baby, I know. I know, baby. Ez is just upset that you didn't volunteer this info." I don't add that Rhet will be pissed, too. Hopefully, I can catch him and explain before he sees Lyri. No sense in putting her through another emotional wringer today.

"I'm so sorry. I can't even..." she inhales noisily, gasping for air to speak, "-think about it... I can't."

"Who?" Ezra asks in a low voice. His claws are still distended, his eyes glowing. I shake my head at him. Now isn't the time for Lyri to learn that our mellow, funny brother is hiding an angry, feral beast.

"Please, Ez, don't," Lyri responds through choked sobs. "Please."

"We don't need you to tell us right now, baby," I soothe her. We can find out ourselves. One little female can't hide the truth for long now that we know.

I scoop her into my arms, carrying her back to the house. She pushes against my chest when she sees that I'm headed towards her bedroom.

"Just let me wash you up, baby. A nice, warm shower will make you feel better," I tell her softly.

I wince at the pure pain of her quiet whimpers. I remember this. Fuck, she's in emotional agony right now. I strip her with Ez's help. My brother is ashen, his green eyes dark because his pupils are blown out in shock.

We step into her shower together. I make sure that Lyri is under the warm spray, letting the water heat her skin. She's trembling anyway, and so am I.

"How did you know?" Ezra mumbles to me.

I stroke Lyri's short hair out of her eyes. "She's too sad. She's nothing like my former mate."

"It explains why she chased Daan. She's trying to make her mate jealous."

Lyri jerks in my arms, but she's silent. I look down at her blank face and tighten my hold.

"I know you won't try that shit here, baby," I tell her. I remember her promise to not use our jealousy over her as a weapon to drag us apart. I want her to know that whatever she did in the past, I don't blame her for it. "You promised me, and I believe you."

"Thjis-" Ezra begins, frustration lacing his voice.

"Not now, Ez."

We step out, Ezra fuming and Lyri as lifeless as a doll.

I tuck her into the sheets, naked. "Try to sleep, baby."

She nods scantly. Her eyes flit to Ezra, then close.

I wait until her breathing is evened out. She'll sleep for a little while. Standing, I look at my fuming brother. With a jerk of my head, I indicate for him to follow me out into the living room.

"What the fuck, Thjis? Who the fuck is her mate? I thought-" he explodes as soon as we leave her room.

"Ted told me that he thought she was MateLess," he whispers, defeated.

I scowl at him. "When the fuck did he tell you that?"

"A month ago? I should have told you," he rushes out, "but..."

"But you thought you'd hold that info tight? Thought maybe you could Mark her and leave Rhet and me standing there with our dicks in our hands?" Fury washes over me.

"I thought she was like me," he says quietly.

My anger fades. "I don't pretend to know what your pain is like, Ez. I know my own. It's how I finally recognized hers."

He nods, head bowed. Sinking to the floor by the fireplace, he rests his hands on his knees. "Call up Rhet. We... we need to know who her mate is. What if he tries to take her from us?"