I reach up and cover his mouth with my hand. I can see the glimmer of mischievousness in those dark eyes. His beard tickles my hand, and then his teeth nip.
"Ouch," I pout, but take my hand away.
Thjis kisses me quickly. "When we get that sexy little body under us, baby, there's no going back. I have a feeling your pussy is addicting."
Fire engine red. That's my face. Thjis pulls me into a spin, laughing out loud the entire time.
"I'm not against Lyri deciding," Rhet's quiet voice interrupts our fun.
I shriek, like a six-year-old female who sees a mermaid, at the sight of both Rhet and Ezra lounging in the doorway.
"Inuit is inside, watching Sarj," Ezra announces. He whips off his flannel shirt.
I frown at him, noticing the stark white bandage against his skin.
"I don't think-
"What happened?"
Thjis and I speak at the same time.
"Slight altercation in town. Not important right now," Ezra says cheerfully. "And, shut up, Thjis. We won't push her."
"This is pushing her, asshole. She's been here for all of two months."
"You're the asshole. And, it's been almost three," Ezra snaps as he shucks his boots.
"Lyri," Rhet interrupts the argument unfolding. "Are you sure you want to go a little further today?"
I nod, biting my lip. Ezra has stripped down to nothing. He's the only one of us who is naked. He looks gorgeous. Silly, but gorgeous.
Rhet walks over to me, "everything sorted with Thjis?" he asks me softly. Blue eyes burn with intensity. I can't read his emotions, not like Ezra or even Thjis, but I can see his focus, and it's all on me.
I just nod. Ezra is distracting me as he "limbers up," stretching out his hamstrings by bending over at the waist and touching his toes. I want to run screaming from the barn, jump his bones, and crumple into laughter at the same time. It's very disorienting.
"Are you sure, Lyri? Sweetheart, there's no pressure. None, whatsoever."
I glance at Ezra's prominent erection, proudly displayed by his quad stretch as he grasps his ankle and bends his knee while standing on the other leg. "That's pressure," I mumble, pointing.
Rhet chokes out a laugh. His blue eyes look me over, searching for any hint of fear. I'm afraid, but not of them, more of what I want to do with them. I do want it. My she-wolf wants it. She's been watching Ezra with alot of interest.
"You get to be first," Rhet says to Ezra.
Pleasure lights up his green eyes. My sunshine male glows. "Really?" he asks, echoing my thoughts. He drops his leg back down to earth.
Rhet strokes my short hair back off my ears. "I-I think it'll be easier if she rides you. First, before anything else. If it's what Lyri wants."
Heat pools in an instant. I like the sound of that. Hell, I love the sound of that. "Yes, please," I say politely.
"Shit, fuck! I'll let you ride me, love." Ezra races to a clean stack of hay and flips onto his back, spreading his arms out to the side. His erection stands up, proudly jutting from his body. "You just climb up and do whatever you want." He points to his dick, just in case I missed it. "Right here."
I feel the urge to giggle at his antics again. The sound bubbles up, only to be cut off as I feel lips and hands touching me gently.
Oh my, Thjis. This male is an expert at this. Somehow I'm naked, lying on a blanket with his head between my thighs. I should patent his technique. Females would kill for a battery-operated version of- "Oh shit!" I scream as my peak hits.
Thjis and Rhet help me sit up, and I straddle Ezra's thighs before the last vestige of my orgasm has gone. Drifting in a haze of pleasure, I watch Ezra's erection bounce against my tummy. He wasn't lying. He's big... very respectable, I guess. Too respectable.
"I'm scared," I whisper. I can feel the ice in my veins, chasing away the pleasure I just felt moments ago. Angry tears prick my eyelashes. It's not fair. To be so close, literally, and feel as if I'm about to rip myself apart instead of enjoying this.