Page 31 of Unforgivable


Breakfast has become family time. That shit's important, right? I used to hustle out of the house before dawn to run the ranch's perimeter and make sure we didn't lose anyone in the night, but now I'm here. Where Lyri is.

When we first started out here, we had some issues with teenage, newly-shifted wolves bothering the cattle. We ran patrol in shifts until they figured out the ranch wasn't easy pickings.

Wintertime means that I can scale back on the morning runs. We moved most of the cattle into closer pastures or the barn. There's nothing out there to check on except maintaining the fences.

Now I have the time to be here and the motivation. And it's all because of our little female.

"Hey," Ezra slumps into the kitchen.

I eye him warily as he starts slamming ingredients down on the countertops. Last night was his night with Lyri. I assume, by his shitty attitude, that Thjis is checking on her now.

"Why's bekfast late?" Sarj walks into the room, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"You're up early, pup."

"Can't s-sleep. Lyri was crying," he says simply.

I look at Ezra. He nods.

"Why are you up in the middle of the night, bud?" Ezra asks.

"Wanted to check on Lyri," he says matter-of-factly.

I smile and ruffle his hair. Sitting back with a sigh, I take a sip of my coffee. Sarj is a sensitive pup. He has his own nightmares, so hearing Lyri crying out in her sleep must be a crap reminder of his nighttime fears.

"I was with her, Sergeant Major," Ezra tells him. "She was just dreaming bad dreams. Nothing was hurting her."

We have lied and lied to this pup. Lyri is still hurting. She's also gotten a little quieter in the last week, ever since that bitch pup decided to make an unannounced visit and call out Lyri as a whore.

I sit up and pretend to be engrossed in my coffee when I hear the door to her bedroom open. Ezra has the same reaction, an eagerness to his movements as he stirs the eggs and bacon.

"Good morning," her soft voice greets us.

A chorus of greetings rings out. I look up casually, pretending as if my wolf and I aren't salivating at the thought of those eyes on us.

She is standing, walking carefully, with Thjis' thick arm wrapped tightly around her waist. He's on her weak side, supporting that leg while letting the other one do the most work. He doesn't look up or greet us, pretending to be engrossed in his 'job' as Lyri's healer.

I stand up and pull her chair out. Thjis helps her sit, and we have a short, silent battle over who slides her chair in. We both end up with our hands on the chair until Ezra pushes past both of us with a plate heaped with food.

"Eat what you can, beautiful," he says with forced cheerfulness in his voice, but his green eyes are snapping out a warning at us.

Lyri's wary eyes are watching us. I grab a plate for myself and fill it. Sitting down, I start the conversation because that's what family does.

"So, I was thinking you can ride with me-"

"Her hips are hurting her too much today," Thjis interrupts.

I narrow my eyes at him. I know his game. He's afraid of this pull we all feel for one female, but I'm determined to shove this plan forward. We need her softness and femininity to remind us of what it means to be whole again.

Sitting back, I try and probably fail to suppress my smirk.

"Then why don't I stay inside with you and read that letter from your mom, hmm?" I suggest.

Lyri brightens. "That would be fantastic!"

A pause falls over the kitchen. Damn, she's got a glow when she smiles.