"I very much doubt that you have to."
Lyri is wiggling in my arms. I growl softly, clutching her to me a little more tightly. I'm spooning her from behind, and my cock is nestled right between her legs. It's the perfect spot to cuddle, and I'm not moving anytime soon.
"Sit up, you ass. I have to feed her," Ezra smacks my shoulder.
I open one eye to glare at him. He has a smoothie in one hand and a small bowl of pasta in the other.
I sit up. "Can she eat yet?" She-wolves usually have unending appetites before and at the beginning of their Heat, then sometimes after, but she is so deep in the thralls that she may become sick if she eats now.
"I want her to try to eat a little," Ezra says.
Rhet comes out of the bathroom, nude and reeking of our Luna. He walks over to us, kneeling next to our female. "Angel," he croons, "wake up, Pretty. Ez has some food for you."
Lyri moans softly, stretching like a cat, a pleased smile crossing her face. "Is it time for more?" she asks huskily. We all chuckle as the blush covers her face, down to her pert, rosy nipples.
I lean in to taste when Rhet's hand comes to block. "Not yet, Thjis. Let her eat. Then we can shower her, wake her up a little. Tonight... tonight, we need to be ready."
"It's not fair," Lyri whines softly, "I need more than one day, Blue-Eyes. I'm so tired. And hungry. I don't want to leave the den yet. I want more time with all of you."
"I know, Angel, I know." Rhet looks genuinely upset, his blue eyes dark in sympathy.
Ezra slips the straw in between her lips. We all see the memory of last night filtering back to her as she sips.
She lets the straw slide out from between her lips. Her sinful, sexy lips that do amazing things. Shit.
"They're back," she says. A sad look comes into her eyes. "Everything is going to change now. Did you hear him? He won't back down without a fight."
"Yeah, Pretty. But don't worry, we have a solid plan."
"You do?" her eyes widen.
"Yeah, while you were busy molesting Thjis at the dinner table, we were discussing the next steps."
"I wasn't," she protests.
I chuckle in her ear. I still have the teeth imprints she left on me. They're mixed with all the other marks from last night.
I nudge my erection against her soft bottom. "Eat up, baby."
"But you're ready for more," she protests, wiggling herself against me.
I close my eyes in pain. "Baby. You're naked in my lap, sweets. Of course, I'm hard."
"Eat. We're going to fuck in the shower."
My big brother always has a plan.
Dusk can be beautiful... or eerie. It depends on how dark it is, on the weather, the time of year. Spring has gorgeous sunsets. Frequent rain makes the sky alight with orange and red as it dives below the mountains. Twilight comes faster here, to the east of the mountains, where the tall peaks block the sun early.
There's a moment as the sun sets when everything seems covered in gloom. The moon isn't high enough in the sky to light everything up, and the sun has finally disappeared, leaving only the inky purple sky.