Page 151 of Unforgivable

"...Seriously? You know he's going to find out, right? You're coming back in a week. That's just dumb..."

I feel pinpricks in my legs from the asphalt. I want to cough but hold it in. This conversation... my brothers and I have been so focused on Daan and Jax, we didn't think about Cloe's culpability. I know I entirely dismissed her importance. She just isn't a female worth fighting for, so why would Daan be so entranced?

"OK, OK. Look, I'm going to go see Todd. It's my fault..." Ethan whimpers, "... that's he's in here... Cloe? Cloe? Such a bitch..."

He puts his phone back in his pocket and stalks into the clinic.

I crawl out from under the SUV. As soon as I'm free, I'm sprinting back to my brothers and Lyri. Goddess, don't let me forget anything I just overheard.

When I arrive back at the Watering Hole, I'm hit by a one-hundred and thirty-pound ball of female fury.

"Where were you, Ezra Koers!" Lyri hauls off and smacks me across the arm, twice, then she hits my stomach.

I can't help the groan. Everything is sore, like I was in a fight, got my ass handed to me, then crawled under a car, and finally sprinted back here.

"Ez? Sunshine, what happened?" Lyri stops hitting me, thankfully. Her hands go to the bottom of my shirt and lift. She sucks in a breath. "Oh, Ezra, who did this to you?"

I just watch her fuss over me for a second. Her lower lip is trembling, but her eyes are fierce. Delicate fingers dance over my skin.

"Who did this to you, Ez?" she asks again, her voice snapping.

"Some jealous fuckers. Told you I was the best male dancer in the pack," I tease her.

She smiles, "not funny, Ezra."

My own grin fades. Thjis and Rhet have been standing, silently watching. "I overheard something interesting today."

"Tell us on the way home," Rhet says.

We all haul ass back to the truck. "Was it a productive night on your end?" I ask him as we walk back to where we parked.

"Lot of wolves like our Luna," he says with satisfaction.

I nod, thinking of Giles and Rick. Yeah, a lot of males like our female.
