Page 103 of Unforgivable


"I'll be in town for a little while longer. Just gonna swing by Lyri's parent's house for a bit and talk to Penny."

"I've got it, Ez. No need to rush back." I hang up with my brother and carefully put the phone back in my pocket. My gloves are covered in goddess-knows-what. Not something you want stuck on your phone, that's for sure.

Sighing, I stretch my arms out. Shoveling shit is back-breaking work. Now that it's nicer outside, we can start to deep-clean the barn for spring. But it's always hell on my back.

Slapping my hat against my thigh, I head back inside. Ezra took off for town an hour ago, and Rhet is inside slacking off.

Not that I blame him. I blew through clean-up as fast as I could so that I can rush inside to be with our female, too.

"Honey, I'm home!" I call out.

"In here, Bear! I baked brownies!" Lyri calls out excitedly.

I swallow nervously.

"From a box recipe," Rhet adds in a low, amused voice.

"Hey, it's not cheating!" Lyri defends herself.

I laugh as I practically jog into the kitchen. The brownie Lyri offers me is still warm, and it looks and smells good. I bite into it and smile at Lyri.

"Perfect," I coo. It's a little burnt on the bottom, but it's edible.

"See?" Lyri smirks at Rhet smugly.

He just smiles back at her and takes a big swallow of milk. That's a good idea.

I pour myself a glass and turn to look over my little dynamo. She's fattening up and goddess, those curves are making her into a pocket Venus.

"Stop it, Thjis," she blushes.

"You look fucking edible, sexy," I tell her.

She smiles and blows me a kiss. "I smell like brownies. Don't eat me, Bear."

"No promises," I tell her, licking my lips.

"Alright, Thjis. You and I need to shore up the fence on New Rocky's line." Rhet stands up.

"When is he coming? They didn't change the delivery date, did they?" Lyri asks excitedly. A good thing she's hung up on the damn bull because she entirely misses the confused look I give Rhet.

He just stares back at me, blue eyes glowing. Shit. "Yeah, let's get to it, then. Finish before dark," I mumble.

"You be OK here for a while?" Rhet asks Lyri.

She nods. "I think I'll make a salad. I can't mess up a salad."

"I'll grill some chicken when I get back to put on top," I offer.

She kisses my cheek, already turning toward the fridge to look for ingredients.

Rhet and I walk out casually, but the hairs on my neck are rising. I didn't even ogle Lyri's ass when she bent over because something tells me whatever my brother has to say, I'm not going to like.

"What's going on?" I ask him under my breath.

"Wait until we're outside," he mutters.