"You are going to get up today, female," Thjis says to me.
I open my eyes. They slide open easily. I am healing. "I am?"
"Yes," he responds.
I meet his dark gaze without flinching and offer a smile. He glares in return. He doesn't like me, but at least he's open and honest about it. I know where I stand with Thjis.
"Are you sure about this?" Rhet asks Thjis. Blue-eyes is a mystery to me, unfortunately. Rhet is much harder to read than Thjis.
"I'm ready," I tell him. Very carefully, I start to pull the blanket away.
Thjis lets out an exasperated growl. "Out of bed, female, with one of us. Not by yourself. You can't even stand yet."
"Oh," I respond at the same time that Ezra steps forward and cheerfully volunteers to carry me.
"I'll do it," Thjis tells him. "You'll probably start waxing poetic about the calves and drop her."
Calves? They have baby cows? How cute.
"Take her to see Ezra's calves," Rhet orders Thjis.
He huffs, but when he picks me up, I note how gentle he is. Maybe Thjis is more bark than bite, but he still terrifies me.
I bite back a moan as he lifts me from the bed. My body aches so deeply. Nothing from training compares to this ache. I am used to sore muscles, but this goes much deeper, to my bones.
"OK?" Thjis asks gruffly.
I whisper, yes. It hurts, but I've been staring at the mellow yellow ceiling for over a week. I'm going stir-crazy here.
"Alright," he sighs "outside."
Ezra is right at our heels as Thjis carries me from the bedroom. I look around with interest. Their home is nice—a rustic log cabin style, but far too large and modern to be considered a cabin. Soft, muted reds and yellows are continued throughout the rooms I see. I get a glimpse of a large living room with tall ceilings and a massive stone fireplace. The furniture is solid, large, brown leather. A set of skis rest over the mantel that holds not a single photograph. I'm thankful that none of these males seem to be into taxidermy; no bodiless animals adorn their walls.
We pass into a mudroom that smells of cows and... maybe horses? Chickens, too. A bizarre scent to have around wolves. Chickens, especially, are known for being easy prey. It's a temptation to even older wolves.
Several pairs of tall boots are piled under a bench seat. They all look caked in... something. I guess that explains the animal scents.
"How are you feeling?" Thjis asks.
"Fine," I respond. I don't sense any more pain than usual. It's a dull throb, nothing sharp. So I'm fine.
Ezra pulls on a pair of boots, but Thjis just stands there, holding me, while we wait for Ezra.
"Will she be cold?" Ezra asks Thjis.
"She should be OK," he responds.
"She has a broken wrist and can't wear a jacket," I interject.
Ezra smiles sheepishly at me. "Sorry beautiful. We've gotten used to how quiet you are. Sometimes we forget that you're quiet because you're sleeping."
"Grab that blanket," Thjis indicates a folded, colorful blanket high on a shelf.
He openly scoffs at the wink Ezra throws at me as he covers me up carefully. "Better," Thjis grunts.
"Still here?" Rhet comes into the mudroom from another part of the house with a mug of coffee in his hand. Walking over, he tucks a corner of the blanket around me.