I scrub my face with my hand.
"You looking to sell?" Devel asks suddenly.
I stare at him, probably looking as surprised as the bartender.
"Maybe," the bartender coughs out.
"Fifty thousand. Cash," Devel says.
An odd gleam lights up his eyes. "Done," he snaps out. "Let me show you the place. Used to be a clubhouse for the Snakes MC. Still has all the offices and rooms. Used for other purposes these days. A bed's a bed, ey?" he chortles.
In a drunken haze, I follow the bartender and Devel, glaring at Devel's back. The male only had one drink, and I don't know if he even finished it. He can't use the excuse of being drunk for making this purchase.Pendejo.
Devel looks at me and explains, "you need a place of your own for this, yeah?"
I may regret this tomorrow, but with a flash of clarity, I get it. I look around at the dilapidated clubhouse. It's fitting for a new home, isn't it?
"Hawkins is tough, isn't he? He gave out failing grades to half the class on our final assignments. It was super-brutal..."
I listen to Darcy and nod as she chatters on and on about her least favorite professor. Professor Hawkins passed me on that same assignment, mostly because I went to most of the study sessions and sent him four separate e-mails asking questions. I'm pretty sure my paper isn't any better than Darcy's, but effort counts, I guess.
"You have a chance before grades are due to make it up. Maybe you can come with me to the last study session?" I ask her.
She huffs in annoyance. "I think he plans those on Thursday nights on purpose. He knows that the under-21 night at the clubs is Thursday. It's the end of the semester! Fucking jerk."
I hum noncommittally. Study sessions are six to seven at night. That's plenty of time to go out at night afterward.
"How do all of these Alpha-holes know you?" she snaps suddenly.
Startled by the vitriol in her voice, I look up just in time to stop from colliding with Rique. The male's hands are already held out in anticipation, ready to catch me when I crash into him.
"Cassidy," Rique eyes me warmly. "How are you?" It seems like the question is an afterthought as if manners are a little foreign to him.
"I'm good," I reply automatically, "how are you?" Because Mina drilled manners into me, thank you very much. I feel like shaking him, screaming question after question at me. Where is Carmichael? It's been a week. How is Mattie? Miranda and Rique keep telling me to keep my distance until the police eliminate him as a suspect, and Mattie's texts are sparse and horrible and not enough!Where is Carmichael?Is he rejecting me, Mattie,us?
"Great," he replies, but his eyes look tired and worn. "Are you done with classes today? Carm needs you with him tonight."
I choke on my spit. "What?" I ask him, stunned at the abrupt mention of my mate.
He smiles. "He had a rough week and needs you," he repeats.
My she-wolf perks up, pushing me to go with my mate's Beta without any further explanation. Our mate needs us.
Darcy looks at me in surprise, but I don't look at her. Instead, I hold that dark, steady gaze before nodding giddily. Goddess, I missed him.
"Let me go home to grab my things," I tell him. And text Alize, I add silently. She will not appreciate me disappearing from campus without telling her why.
"I'll take you, Cassidy," Rique says smoothly. He leads me to Miranda's car as I try to call out 'goodbye' to a fuming Darcy.
"Can we take Darcy home, too?" I ask Rique.
He stops short and rolls his neck slightly.