I can see in their eyes they expect the answer I give them. "I've been here with Miranda all weekend."
"We had a small party on Thursday and Friday," Miranda includes. "Several of our friends were there. And, no, Dylan wasn't invited. He's probably off sulking somewhere."
I'm embarrassed by her bitchiness, even though she's not really my girlfriend. Then again, my mate is much worse, so I guess I should just let Miranda go off on them.
Both cops stand up in unison as if they've practiced the movement time and time again. "Thank you, Matthew, Miranda. We'll be in touch."
They walk out of the apartment, and I crumple to the floor.
"Punk," comes the now-familiar greeting.
I smirk at the Beta. "I have a gift for you,Jefe," I tell him.
An eloquent snort is my answer.
Smiling, I open the back of the Jeep I borrowed from José and let Dylan's body fall out. The male hits the ground facefirst, the dirt muffling his groan. I frown. I bandaged him up, but he still looks like shit.
"You brought me proof of attempted murder?" There's a hopeful note in the Beta's voice. "I can arrest you and throw you in the worst mother-fucking prison in existence?"
"You have no jurisdiction in Mexico,pendejo," I inform him.
The Beta laughs as he walks over. The two wolves guarding the borders of ClearHowl land eye both of us suspiciously.
"I was visiting Cassie," I begin to explain, ignoring his growl, "at Mattie's apartment..." I raise my voice over his snarls, "and this..." I suck in a deep breath, shaking my head abruptly at the memory of Mattie hurting, helpless.¡Chale!
"He was hurting Mattie," I rasp out, blinking away the red haze from my vision. My alpha-wolf growls, the sound echoes, amplified, reflected back to me by the Beta.
He takes a step towards Dylan and reaches down, claws extended.
"¡No!" I stop him before his claws dig into Dylan's shoulder.
The Beta pauses, half-bent, lips pulled back to reveal razor-sharp canines. "No?" he chokes out.
"You said you have a hole,si? You have a hole, and I have a fish,Jefe."
He straightens and looks at me with deadly seriousness. "Yeah, I have a hole. You want to toss him in?" His eyes narrow. "Why?"
"I have questions. Is the bitch down there still alive?"
"Unfortunately," he huffs, but I can see I've caught his attention.
"I have questions about the Cartel. Thispendejois going to get answers from the bitch,si?"
He folds his arms across his chest. "How?"
"A trade. Her life for answers. We sell him," I kick Dylan in the thigh, "to the Cartel. A fishing expedition. And the bitch is our in,sí?"
A sly, evil smile crawls over the Beta's face. "How was he hurting my Mattie?"
I push down my alpha-wolf's need to assert our ownership of Mattie. Now isn't the time. "Rape," I tell him bluntly.
The Beta's eyes grow cold, his wolf's eyes glinting, promising violence. "How interesting." He looks at the terrified, pathetic male at our feet. "I should tell you... Alice wanted to steal Cassie when she was a pup and sell her to Salvatore Diamorte. I always wondered if she knew my Cassie was an omega."
I feel chills run down my spine. Immediately, I question my plans. Maybe a bloodbath is a better choice.