"Not going for the kill, punk?" he snarls, his face in mine.
"Cassidy," I manage to grunt out. My jaw still feels his earlier blow. I can't kill him. Not when her earlier text message, and its promise, is rolling through my head. I probably deserve a little pain.
I snort at his attempts to punch through the grip I have on his wrist. He growls, frustrated before he growls out his explanation, "Mina."
Now that we've established the rules, no killing or severe maiming, we can keep trying to hurt each other. He twists, hitting my left shoulder hard, but I'm ready with a fast punch to his eye. Smirking, I back off again while he curses.
"You little fuck," he snarls.
We duck and whirl a little more until a feminine squeal grabs the Beta's attention.
"Another female?"
His head jerks around so fast I think he did more damage to himself than I did to him. "What other female, brother?" the Beta snaps.
"Devel has been rejected by the female who is my fated mate's Choice," Lyri explains calmly.
"You have beenwhat?" The Beta says. I move away, ready to help my cousin and his family if this male loses his control. Rejection... wasn't thispendejoMateLess? No wonder he takes rejection so seriously. Guilt swirls in my gut for what I tried to do to my omega. Or maybe that's just from the Beta's hits.
"I have performed the rite, brother," the wounded male, Devel, explains. He looks like shit, pale, shaking, weak, but there is strength in his eyes that I can respect.
"This is not right," the Beta rasps. "Mates shouldn't reject each other. The rite hasn't been performed in how long? Fuck her. How, how close did you come to- I will rip her apart, myself. You didn't need a fuckingrite."
"I should have run to big brother for help?" Devel asks with pride flashing in his eyes. I find myself nodding. He is not a cowardly male.
"Yes," the Beta replies.
"I have called you now." Devel points at Lyri, "scent her, brother. Understand who rejected this female."
Like thependejohe is, the Beta walks to Lyri and shoves his bleeding face in her neck. When my cousin and his brothers bowl into him, knocking him away from their female, I walk away. They'll be fine. Thependejohas decent control of his temper.
My fingers itch to check my messages. I smile when I see Cassidy's latest;
Conejita - You can do that??!! I'm asking Adriana
I frown. Adriana? I thought her new friend's name was Alize. I run through my other messages and see one from José. Opening it, I feel shock run through me at the video he's sent me. It's a quick clip, just ten seconds. My eyes go straight to Cassidy, of course, to her beaming smile and bouncing body as she walks between two other females. The female with the ink-black skin and closely shorn hair must be Alize. She looks like a warrior. The other female I recognize... intimately.
Cassidy has befriended one of my former fucks, Adriana.
Closing my eyes, I push my wolf down. He's a little frantic, worried that Adriana will hurt his omega. I'm not concerned. Even on the tiny screen of my cell phone, I can see the adoration in Adriana's eyes when she looks at my mate.
At her luna.
I look back up at the Beta just in time to hear him proudly proclaim that his wolf claims my Cassidy as family.
"She isnotyour sister or your pup," I amend his statement. She is mine. My alpha-wolf grumbles. She is ours. She is LoboGris, now, no matter that she's omega.
"Your family is well, brother?" Devel asks.
"They are," the Beta replies.
I send Cassidy a text as my cousin explains to the Beta how deeply this pack fucked up their future.
ACR - Si, it's possible, Conejita. Right up your tight little hole.
"He is the alphason of this pack. He has a Choice mate, Cloe," I listen with one ear as Lyri explains the situation. "They have been together since their puphoods. I was rejected, but I chose to seduce him. To try to win him from her. We were caught, and I was declarednullaveniaand Shamed." Her voice falls.
Cassidy texts me back a shocked emoji. Grinning, I text her again.