"I'm Mason, by the way."
"Matt," I introduce myself.
"You're Dylan's guy, huh?" Mason smirks at me.
I feel my entire stomach flip. My wolf grows tense, his fur ruffled. This has to be some sort of joke. Even the new kid? "Dylan?" I repeat in a weak voice.
"Yeah, he's one of my frat brothers. I just transferred."
"Oh?" Wow, Matt. Great conversation. I can't help it, though; my heart is racing. "In the middle of the semester?" I ask him.
Something dark moves over his face. "Yeah." He turns around and goes quiet until class starts.
I can barely concentrate on the lecture. If Mason transferred mid-semester, maybe I can too? I think about my goals and dismiss the idea. If I transfer now, I could screw up my GPA and never make it into medical school.
I just have to avoid Mason, Kenneth, and Dylan for the next month. I'll spend every weekend with Cassie, and that'll satisfy my wolf's need for a pack. Then it'll be over.
Resolute, I shoulder my backpack after class is over and head out. I have time to stop at the cafe before my next class. My stomach rumbles, and I grimace at the thought of Cassie's breakfast scramble, as she named it, sitting in the fridge, lonely and uneaten. That's the problem with living so far off campus. I can't go home and eat it until later. She made us another cake, too, before she left. She was upset that Teague ate the last slice of the first cake instead of saving some for Gio.
I don't see him until he has me cornered.
"Who the fuck were you with, baby?" he snarls, right in my face.
"Dylan! N-no one. What are you talking about?" I rush out, backing away from the angry male. My wolf crouches, escape the only option on his mind. Frantically, I look around, but no one's looking our way except for two girls who give me disdainful looks before rushing off.
Dylan wraps his hand around my waist and shoves me into a recess between two buildings. In the shadows, his face has an eerie cast to it. His eyes are dark with fury.
"The prick you walked to class with?" He bends his head, inhaling my sweatshirt as he rubs his scent on it. Inside I lament at losing Cassie's scent back to Dylan. "Who is this bitch?" He inhales again. "Some whore you're trying to go straight for?"
"My s-sister," I husk out. "And... Gio is just a friend," I shiver as his rage crashes over me. Mason. Dylan's new frat brother must have told him about Gio.
Dylan shoves me against the wall with his body. He takes a deep, shuddering breath, then another. Suddenly, the tension leaves his frame. I sigh with relief until he gently kisses my cheek.
"I'm sorry. I'm jealous, baby. I've never met a wolf like you. So sexy and sweet." He layers more kisses on my cheeks and lips.
"It's OK," I reassure him naturally as my wolf whines in my head.
"No, it's not. I frightened you," he mutters. His mouth falls on mine, his tongue forcing my lips apart. "I'm so sorry, baby," he murmurs against my mouth. "I missed you this weekend. You didn't answer any of my calls," his voice drops dangerously. "Why are you avoiding me, baby?" He pulls away and pins me with a dark glare.
"I was with my sister. She's my twin," I explain lamely.
"So? I can't meet your sister?" Something vicious moves in his eyes. Like a striking viper, he lashes out, grabbing my junk and squeezing. "You think I would hurt your twin, baby?" he hisses. His hand tightens, and tears start to pour down my cheeks. He's hurtingme. "Maybe I would," he snarls. "I could fuck her right in front of you. You think I could make her scream?" he taunts.
Something in me comes alive. My wolf snarls aggressively. I thrash in his hold, ripping off of the wall. "Don't you ever touch my sister," I snap my canines in his face.
Dylan's eyes widen before he throws his head back and laughs. I stand there, hemmed into the shadows by him. Again he moves, too fast for me to defend myself. I'm pinned to the wall again.
"Who was the male who walked to class with you?" he asks me.
"No one. Just a friend," I babble.
"A friend who lives with you now?" he asks. Pure violence shimmers in the air between us.
"Y-yes," I confess.
Dylan runs his nose down my cheek before he lets me go abruptly. He shivers in rage. "You made a mistake, baby.” He turns and leaves me crumpled against the side of the building, terrified and shaking.