"Two, three weeks? I have to go," I tell him. We walk further away from the quad. "I owe Rhet." This is the male who helped mypapáraise me.
"Go. I'll watch her," Rique promises.
I leave reluctantly. I have somewhere else I need to go, first.
She blushes guiltily. "Um... that was Carmichael?" she asks.
I frown, crossing my arms over my chest. "And who is Carmichael?" I knew she had a male! Score one for the twin!
"My mate," she whispers so softly I can barely hear her.
My frown deepens. She seems uncertain, her eyes falling away from me as soon as she says, 'mate.'
"Is he really your mate, Cass?" I ask her, pulling her inside. Worry churns. She's involved with some cliche bad-boy. Though, that guy wasn't exactly a boy. I couldn't see much from the fourth floor, but I could hear the motorcycle's throttle from a block away. I didn't need to see him up close to know that he's a rough man, all black and brown leather, deeply tanned skin, ink swirling on the skin that's exposed.
Am I jealous? OK, maybe a little.
"Yes, he's my mate, sort of," Cassie murmurs. "Can we... let's not talk about it right now, Mattie? It's all kinda new."
I give it up reluctantly. I don't want Cassie to bring up my man-problems, either.
Of course, she's my sister, so she nails it all on the head. "Do you have a boyfriend? A mate?" she squeals excitedly. She walks into the apartment. Her gaze zeros in on a dark brown t-shirt Dylan left behind when he pushed his way into my apartment. Her back to me, she misses my flinch.
"No," I tell her abruptly. "Let's drop it, OK?"
Her whole body deflates a little. "Carm and I... um..." she starts to offer.
I close my eyes and pull her into my chest. "No. Tell me when you're ready, OK? I'm sorry, Cass."
"I'm sorry, too, Mattie."
We hug for a long time before she pulls away. "Did T buy you a TV? There's a 'Love It Or List It' marathon on HGTV today."
I pull her deeper into the apartment toward the couch. She oohs and aahs over everything, her omega soothing mine as she straightens up some of the mess Dylan left behind while she examines everything with a sunny smile.
I get the popcorn and drinks and sit next to Cassie, snuggling her close. Inhaling the sweet and spicy scent of her, I notice that Dylan's t-shirt has disappeared.
"You smell good," I murmur.
She hums softly but doesn't return the compliment.
11 - Pieces of the Past
I cut the engine to my motorcycle and stare at the mansion in front of me. It's not as big asmi papá'shouse, but impressive. Then again,papábuilt his place as a shrine tomama, with his own two hands. It's empty and lonely. I can already tell that this house in front of me is filled with wolves. Her family.
The Beta from ClearHowl is everything that rumors have painted him to be. Massive, with muscles bulging and sharp green eyes glaring at me in pure aggression. I'd bet my life that the delicate female whose palm is braced on his chest, the female who looks so much like my Cassidy, is the only reason why this male hasn't tried to string me up by the ballsyet. This must be Cassidy's sister, Mina.
"Xander tells me that you requested to speak with me?" the male grunts. My wolf curls his lip at the pure predator watching me, assessing, judging.
He's suspicious. I figured he would know that Cassidy had a male sniffing at her. I'm guessing he's heard that male is me. If I were betting, I would say he's praying to the goddess I'm not Cassidy's mate.