"That's it,Conejita. You feel...Estas preciosa. Mi vida. Mi alma.Cassidy."
"Carmichael," I plead with him, wriggling hard in his lap. Needing more but wanting to get away from the burning at the same time.
"Sí, mi Corazon,just like that, Cassidy." He sinks deeper, then grasps my hips, moving me up and down.
Shock curls through me. He's making love to me. My she-wolf cavorts around in yipping, happy circles.
"This is wonderful," I breathe out. I run my hands over his biceps, his chest, marveling at just how beautiful he is. "You're beautiful."
He groans, grasping me tighter. His fingers dig into my thighs, grabbing them and pulling me wider. His mouth finds mine again, and we kiss. It's sinful and perfect.
"I love you, Carmichael," I tell him, feeling my body tighten, getting closer.
"Sí, Corazon. Give me every piece of you, Cassidy," he demands forcefully, his eyes wild, teeth bared in a snarl as his hips pound upward.
I come with a scream. He throws his head back and roars, plunging deep when as I start to shake in his arms. I feel rivulets of liquid between us, soaking our clothes and the bike. Gasping, I collapse into his arms, my head on his shoulder. I stare sightlessly out into the field. A thin flash of white catches my eye. A wild jackrabbit races from its hiding place behind a scrub brush, another on its tail.
I smile sleepily as Carmichael starts the engine of the motorcycle under me. I begin to pick my head up, worried that he can't steer with me in his lap.
"Shh, just rest,Conejita." His big hand smoothes the back of my hair.
"Love it when you speak Spanish to me," I tell him sleepily. "Don't understand it, though. I want to see you naked next time," I mumble into his shoulder.
He clucks his tongue, "demanding little thing, aren't you? A bed and naked?"
I giggle, and he softly chuckles, the sound warming my heart.
"Yes, I want a bed and naked," I slur.
I fall asleep with the purr of the motorcycle between my legs and the sound of my mate's heart under my ear.
"Mi vida por mi Reina, Cassidy."
10 - Psychology 101
"Si, Güey,I'll be there." I hang up the phone with my cousin and scowl. My cousin and packmate asked me to go north to help them with a situation. A rejected female they want to claim.
My alpha-wolf shifts, snarling even with our beautiful omega in our arms. Apparently, the word 'rejection' is now a fucking trigger for us.
My bunny stirs in my arms.
"Mi Preciosa, wake up, Cassidy," I murmur gently in her ear. She mumbles incoherently and growls lightly at me. I smile. I could hold her like this all day, but I know she needs a shower and some food. She must be aching. "Cassidy," I say her name a little more sternly.
She comes awake like a sleepy kitten. Caramel eyes look up at me dreamily. I can see her wolf looking at me in the same way.
A frisson of nerves runs down my back. I've pushed our bond closer, fucking her all week long as soon as I get my hands on her. I can feel it tightening, like a noose, around my neck. She's mine, for good, now. Even with my pack ofpinche penjedos. Which makes her their luna.
"What's wrong, Carm?" she asks, pulling away from me a little more, then wincing.
"Nothing,Bella," I tell her. "Just thinking."
"Is it time to go?" she whispers.
I run my fingers down her bare back. I gave her a bed, finally. A fucking motel bed. She deserves better. So much better than a cheap, dingy motel on the outskirts of Caluna.