Blankly, I look down at the blood, the jagged hole in my skin. I was shot.Mi hermanoshot me. Damnit, it fucked up my tattoo. Well, fuck, at least the pup has balls. Reaching up with my right hand, I take the claw on my forefinger and stick it in the hole, fishing for the bullet while I keep my eyes pinned on my little brother.
He's shaking, this pup who looks just like a Reyes. Rique takes the gun carefully and disengages it, sliding the magazine out. “You alright, alpha?”
"It's only a flesh wound, sí?" I yank the bullet out and flick it into the corner of the room.
"Diosa," Bembe whispers, pale and swaying.
"Where is Nico? Nico!" I bellow. Grinning, I reach out and gently palmmi hermano'sface, smearing a little of my blood on his skin. The relief I feel makes my knees buckle.
I start to laugh. Rique laughs with me. The Beta comes inside, resting bitch-face in place. "He is here. Bembe," I tell the Beta stupidly, pointing atmi hermano.
We all stare at the ashen-face of Bembe. He is skinny with dark circles under his eyes but no signs of abuse that I can easily see. He will be fine. It's almost over.
Stepping toward him, I inhale his scent, taking in the smell of LoboGris and three other wolves. "Who hurt you, Bembe?" I ask him gently. I look around, seeing two other male pups and one female hiding in a small hallway off of the room we are in, their eyes peeking out at me warily. I nod their way, sending José and Holt to round them up before meeting Bembe's eyes again.
His eyes, just like mine andMama's,overflow. Lower lip quivering, he bows his head, shaking it wildly before he looks back up. His shoulders square, and he boldly asks, "who are you?"
"I'm your brother, Carmichael," I tell him.
He scowls. "I don't have any brothers," he lies baldly.
I gently slap his head. "I am your brother and your alpha,sí?Careful what you claim,hermano. Nico!" I shout again.
"I'm here,Hermano. Fucking-Diosa," he breathes, staring at our mini-me. "Holy shit, he's really here."
Bembe is shaking harder, but he doesn't flinch away from us, forcing his spine to straighten so much I can hear it crack under the pressure.
"Shh,mi hermanito,I know," Nico is the one who takes the lead to soothe the young male. "Es bueno, now, Bembe. Mama and the pups are free. Carmichael is the alpha,sí?No one will hurt you anymore."
Bembe looks at me, then at Nico, with desperation flashing in his eyes. I need to find the owners of those three scents onmi hermano.
The other pups are herded into the room, and an acrid scent of sex hits me.I step closer to the males and female. They are young, quivering messes. I feel my alpha wolf flash his fangs at my youngest brother. These pups reek of Bembe, and he stinks of them.
Ay, he’s a Reyes male. Fucker.
“Pack them up,” I manage to say hoarsely. “Burn the town.”
I walk away to join the Beta in his vehicle. Gracefully, I leap into the bed of his pickup next to a bound and gagged Alice.
"Let's hurry,Jefe. I miss my mates."
He grumbles the entire way back to ClearHowl, but as we approach his home, I can feel his excitement. When we arrive, we are greeted by a small group of males. We follow them into the woods quietly, leaving the trucks behind us. In between four of the males, they carry the box.
We reach the hole two hours later. The Beta kneels next to the metal box that the males put down. "This is your new home, Alice," he says in a pleasant voice. "Isn't it nice? You have airholes right here, see?" With a smile, he wiggles his fingers in the hole that will fit over Alice's mouth.
Alice shoots venom at him with her eyes.
I make a show of examining the casket. "It's well-built,Jefe."
"Yeah... I had to up my game," the Beta tosses me a glare, then turns to Alice and pouts. "The Punk tossed this one male to his Pa to be eaten alive, yeah? I had to top that," he tries to affect a pout, but the smirk of joy shines through.
At those words, the fire in Alice's eyes dies, and fear fills them.
"This is my idea, too,Jefe," I snap. "I said to bury her alive,sí?" I scowl at him.
"The metal lady was my idea," he growls back at me.
"Iron Maiden," Devel corrects him.