The Beta reaches out and chucks Amaranth under her chin. "Buck up, princess. You can have this dumbass's balls. Just ask this fucker to rip them off for you," he points to Rique with his thumb. My beta shrugs and nods his agreement, and Amaranthe actually cracks the tiniest smile as we zip tie Deigo’s wrists.
"Alright, always interesting," the Beta rubs his hands together. "You pups make life real fucking interesting."
The Beta's wicked sarcasm is lost when he sees Alice. I imagine that his evil grin is matched by the one on my face. He walks over and crouches down next to her, slapping her cheek until she blinks her eyes.
"I have your hole ready for you," he tells her happily. “You thought we couldn't figure out you were lying to us about your mate? Benito?” he shakes his head sadly. “Too bad you came here. No new info from you means back to the hole, bitch.”
"Jefe," I sigh, shaking my head. "You have no creativity,sí?"
The Beta glares at me. "You have a better idea, Punk? Cause I don't have all day. My pups can be born any moment."
"Mina is still a month away, at least," one of the males the Beta brought mumbles. He shuts up real quick at the harsh look sent his way.
"Sí,of course, I have a better idea,Jefe," I pull the Beta's attention back to me. My wolf shivers in delight at the stark look of fear in Alice's eyes. "But I will use the hole, too, if you insist."
The beta stands with Alice slung over his shoulder. The female moans, her head lolling sickeningly as she loses consciousness again.
I walk Diego outside and whisper in his ear menacingly. "This is your chance to make up for this shit, Diego. You will take care of your female,sí?" I feel a reluctant need to protect the witch who I know is willing to sacrifice herself for her people.
The male nods, his face grim. "I'll be taking Amaranthe back to her home if she wants. I have family up there. Another aunt. Maybe this one will be better,sí?"
"Maybe," I allow. I'll call Rhet later; make sure the males up there in RustClaw know my cousin is coming north.
"Amaranthe," I ask the witch carefully. "Have you heard of a young male, maybe about fourteen? He may look... he may look like Nico or me," I nod tomi hermano. "We think Alice had him or knows where he is."
Amaranthe looks at me, then Nico, then back at me. "I've been there for three weeks. Alice had a few young males here. Different ones," she adds softly. Another tear slips down her cheek. “Benito – he’s terrible. It’s… it’s possible he’s there.”
Diego speaks up, "there must be at least five males that could be him, I would guess. Benito is inPassionada.”
“Next stop,” Rique says cheerfully, rubbing his palms together.
"Carmichael?" Amaranthe says my name hesitantly. "You know that your necklace is spelled to make you smell bad to anyone who gets close to you, right?"
So that's the game,Jefe?
44 - Finishing Touches
"Luna," Alize calls for me in a sing-song voice.
"No," I mumble, grumpy. Carmichael left to go to Mexico towar. Fishing my bum. Liar, liar pants on fire.
"Cassidy," Alize's voice hardens a little.
I wrap my cocoon of blankets around me a little more tightly. My nose is cold from being out, so I enjoy the added warmth a little as I wiggle my cold toes, too. Mattie must have already gotten up, and the bed is colder without him.
"I'm hungry. Can you come bake for me?" Mina's voice chimes in.
My omega-wolf picks her head up and sniffs the air. Our big sister is pregnant with twins and needs food. Her tail thumps the ground once. We're good at making food.
I resist. Oh, how I resist. I really want to bake a double chocolate fudge brownie cake for Mina. It's her favorite, and she's having twins, but I resist. I'm not done pouting.
"I guess the pups will just be hungry until Blu comes back from shopping," Mina says sadly. "He said he'd pick up bagels and donuts." She sounds even more forlorn than just a second ago.
I break, of course. Donuts?! Compared to homemade double-chocolate fudge brownie cake? Disgusting and ridiculous.