"Fuck you."
I nod to Rodrigo as he opens the heavy metal door to the old mine. Deep in the ground, the mines flood during the spring and are unbearably hot during the summer days. All year they hold the faint scent of iron, just enough to leave a taste in your mouth.
We walk into the dark tunnel until we stand in front of the first cell.
"Papá, I have a gift for you."
Mi papáglares at me until I toss the bag at his feet. His dark eyes stare at the bag with the predatory look of a snake toying with its food.
"Find out where Bembe is," I order him.Papánods in agreement without taking his eyes from his former brother-by-mating.
We aren't even back to the tunnel entrance before we can hear Hugh begging for mercy.
Cassie and I slip away as soon as we can to shower. Not for nothing, but I refuse to attend my Mating party in a pair of wrinkled basketball shorts that Nico found in the corner of his pup room. That's just wrong on so many levels.
"How bad do we smell?" Cassie asks Alize as the female shadows us upstairs.
"You scent of many males," she replies as if that's a totally normal occurrence. There is something sad about her, a memory of her pack, probably.
"But... I don't smell anything?" Cassie presses the issue. "Is it because we're omegas? But our sense of smell isn't usually this bad."
Alize smiles faintly. "You are now LoboGris, Cassie. Your wolves have accepted the pack, and the pack has accepted you. You smell based on threats and survival, and now the LoboGris is yours."
"Not all of them," I can't help but point out.
Alize nods slowly. "I have seen some of the worst warriors of this pack turn from hating to loving you, and in short order. Your mates and pack have destroyed most of the dissenters. If there are Challenges to you, it won't be from LoboGris."
Cassie's eyes widen as we enter what must be Carmichael's pup room. There's not much in here. Our mate must have cleaned his room out, unlike Nico. Not that I blame Nico. "Challenges," Cassie breathes. "I forgot about that."
Alize wrinkles her nose. "I will not lose a Challenge, Luna. Don't you worry."
"You could get hurt," Cassie continues as if she didn't hear Alize at all.
"I am your alpha female. I will not lose."
"C'mon, Cass. Let's shower," I push her gently into the bathroom, knowing that she'll fret about Alize no matter what we say.
We wash quickly but thoroughly. I avoid looking at Cassie as I rub my sore bottom, feeling the sting and praying to the goddess that my penis stays nice and limp when I touch the reminder of what Carmichael did.
What I hope he does again really soon... gosh darn it.
Cassie looks down and giggles.
"Shut up," I mumble, ears turning hot.
"I'm glad I'm female," she replies breezily.
"You're not going to be able to see your toes in just a couple of months."
Her smile becomes dreamy, "I know," she sighs happily, running her hand over her belly. "Isn't it exciting?"
"Yeah," I reply softly.
We finish, and then we stand under the water until it runs cold. Reluctantly, we both step out of the shower. I feel guilty that we used all that hot water, but tonight was...