Page 17 of Carmichael's Omega

Disgusted with myself, I stalk away from campus, tossing the soiled wipes in a trashcan far away from the Facilities Building.



"I feel like we live in that sorority from that movie,House Bunny, with all the social misfits."

McKayla pouts slumped over on the couch in one of the common rooms in the LaNu house.

I look over at McKayla and force a smile.I will stop thinking about Carmichael... now."Are we social misfits?" I ask in a low murmur. I look around at the living room of the Lambda Nu house. We all look fine, I think. Not socially awkward or especially ugly or anything. Some of us are beautiful. Miranda, for one. Deanna and Oraya as well. I haven't met all of the girls. Which, now that I think about it, seems weird. Different schedules, I suppose.

It's a house of very nice females. Auntie Simone checked. I checked. My pack's entire Gamma unit checked. Secretly, I put more stock in my Omega intuition than in their background checks. I mean, do you really need to run criminal and arrest checks on nineteen-year-olds? The point being, the LaNu's have beenchecked.

A few seniors are talking about our spring activities. I know someone mentioned that this year's pledge class was a little smaller than usual. Joining a sorority was perfect for me, and every sister here has been incredibly nice.

"No, but the most popular fraternity on campus hates our house."

"Why do they hate us?" I ask.Stop wagging your tail just because of those ice-blue eyes!

"Something to do with their Veep dating Deanna then cheating on her."

I glance over at our President, Deanna. She's gorgeous and wants to be a doctor. Why cheat on her?

"They started calling us the Omega Mu's. From that really, really old movie,Revenge of the Nerds. The Omega Mu's? Do you know that movie?" McKayla's eyes sparkle with the joy of gossip.

I jolt a little at the name. TheOmegaMu's? How... fitting.

"Are we heinously ugly or something? The Omega Mu's were fat," another Lambda Nu girl, Jenna, says drolly.

"No one here is ugly," I say firmly. Some of the tension in the shoulders of the girls around me eases.

"Who are they? The fraternity?" I whisper. It hurts to hear that a fraternity full of males hates my sorority. I know it's irrational, but I hate to imagine that anyone hates me. Dumb, I know, especially since he hates me. 'I can never be with an omega.'

"The Alpha Upsilon House. The Alpha-holes."

I suppress the shock that jolts my spine. That's Carmichael's fraternity. He has pack in that house. Oh, the irony, I'm in the Omega-Mu house, and of course, he would join a fraternity with 'alpha' in it.Stop wagging your tail! Begone foolish hope!

"The Alpha-hole denied cheating and accused Deanna of being stuck-up. The houses are at war, now!" McKayla says gleefully. She sounds a little too excited about it all.

"Well, not at war. If you two had been paying attention, you would have heard Deanna say that we're going to a party at their house on Friday."

"Oh. Well, that sounds fabulous. Can't wait." My lie must be really obvious, judging by the expression on McKayla's face. I can't help it; even my she-wolf is quivering with nerves. This whole week just became an ode to anxiety.


5 - Par-tay!


"You hear that the Mu's are invited?" Mason grins over me as he sets up the keg.

Yeah, I know all about it. I'm the one who told Holt to invite them. He would have, anyway, with how desperately he keeps trying to land that one littlefresaMu, Diana, or something, but I had to make sure that Cassidy came.

A thrill chases through my blood. My wolf is on the hunt for a sweet little bunny. I won't do anything. I just want to see her.


"Sí, I heard," I answer belatedly.