The door swings open, and the alpha takes two steps into a small room with two open doorways. I go still, stunned at what I see. One opening leads to a dark, short hallway with two more doors. The other opens into a kitchen.
It all looks sonormal. Cabinets painted a dusky blue with yellow walls and pretty white trim. As my eyes adjust to the light, I can see the two doors in the hallway are covered in stickers of superheroes and My Little Ponies. A table, set for six, has traces of paint and marker on the surface.
Dots dance in front of my eyes as the alpha quietly calls out, "Lily, where are you?"
A tiny female hurries into the kitchen from a doorway I can't see yet. Her eyes widen on me in the alpha's blood-soaked arms. Shock and fear dance in the air between us. I'm not sure if it's coming from her or me or us both.
She's dark-skinned with silky dark hair pulled away from her face with butterfly clips. She isn't wearing any makeup, and her clothing is just a simple pair of chino shorts and a t-shirt, but I can tell it's all high-quality. The shirt gapes at the neck just a bit, revealing an alpha's Mark on her collarbone, surrounded by a frightening amount of scar tissue. The long-ago wound wraps around her neck in puckered white skin that still looks deadly to even my eyes.
My whimpers of grief match her eyes.
"She is having Carmichael's pup,mi Preciosa," the alpha says proudly.
The female, Lily's, eyes widen even further. Her hand flutters to her neck as if she's about to grasp it in her shock until she seems to realize that she is about to touch her scars. It falls limp, along with the dishrag she had been holding.
I whine frantically as tears come into her eyes. Oh, goddess. Goddess. This is the omega. The omega that killed Carmichael's mother. Goddess, the alpha is truly insane.
"Don't cry,Buenota," the alpha says to the omega, to Lily, going closer.
I look around for an escape, for anything. It's a kitchen. Maybe there are knives, right?
Something dawns on me as I stare. There are no windows. All of the light filters in from above. Skylights. He's trapped her here for years and years with no escape.
Lily seems to gather her strength and starts to hurry over to us.
"Not too close," the alpha warns her. She halts abruptly, and I feel fingers entwine in my nape. They twist, and my neck is wrenched to the side, making my face level with the alpha. "You will not bite her,sí? She is omega, like you." His fingers bite through my fur, to my skin, in an unmistakable warning. He doesn't have to bother. I know what she is.Whoshe is.
I shake my head, trying to clear the blood from my vision. It keeps dripping in my eyes as I bury my teeth into another neck and rip. Tendons, soft flesh, even bone, come apart in my maw. My teeth scrape bone, chipping and snapping vertebrae in the wolf that couldn't escape from me. I release, and the body hits the ground, joining the red-soaked earth.
Tormented screams make my ears hurt. Not all of my pack is as efficient as I am at killing quickly. I step over the still-warm corpse,mi Papá'sGamma, I believe, and look for the next obstacle between me and the door to thehacienda.
Luis, Rique's younger brother, flees out of the door. All at once, my alpha-wolf's vision is reduced to just that male. He scents of my Mattie.
Snarling, I spring at him, sending my two-hundred pounds crashing into him. I knock him to his back and snap my canines in his face threateningly.
I shift to feet, winding my clawed hand around his neck. "Where is my male?" I spit.
He blubbers, incoherent.
I stand, bringing him with me. "Where is my male!" I roar in his face, shaking him like a broken doll on the end of my claws.
Silence falls over the yard. We've won this battle. I don't know how many wolves we've killed or how many I've lost. All I can focus on is dragging an answer from this piece of shit.
"You scent of my mate, my male," I snarl. "Where is he?"
"I-inside," he gasps.
I fling him to his brother. Rique knocks him to the ground, standing over him threateningly. "Chale, Luis," he sneers at his little brother. "That omega male is worth a thousand of you,sí?" At Rique's feet is the body of one of his twotíos. Somewhere in the carnage is the other one.
I walk inside, my heart threatening to split into two. My male is terrified. My female... she is alright, and knowing that dampens my alpha wolf's insane bloodlust just enough to keep my walking steady. I go down the hall, letting the bond between my Mattie and lead me to Nico's old bedroom.
"MiNene," I croon to him when I walk inside the room.
I fall to my knees and catch him as he flings himself into my arms.