My alpha-wolf bares his teeth, pacing; his fur ruffled high as he scans the scene for intruders, enemies, other predators.
I don't realize I'm snarling until Mattie wraps his arms around my waist and buries his face in my chest. The knot in my chest eases. My eyes drift halfway closed as I pull him closer.
"Nico, come to have some breakfast?" Cassidy murmurs, her caramel eyes blinking up at my brother with a soft love. I bite back my growl. I trust my female. She can't help being so loving, and Nico needs it. Goddess, he needs it.
"Don't feel much like eating," Nico mumbles.
"Please? The pup needs food," she wheedles.
"Pup?" The clouds in Nico's eyes break, and a small smile starts. "A pup?"
Cassidy smiles so largely it lights up the entire bathroom. "Carmichael told me!"
Nico chuckles. "You didn't know, Chica?"
Cassidy pouts. "I don't have alpha-senses."
Nico coughs again and adjusts Cassidy, so she's tucked under his arm. "She's tiny,hermano. She needs protection."
"Sí, hermanito," I kiss Mattie's head.
"I'm making hush puppies today," Cassidy tells Nico as they walk past us out of the bathroom.
"What are those,chica? It sounds racist."
Cassidy huffs. "Fried sweet dough. It's wonderful."
"Sold," Nico says teasingly.
I hold Mattie back at first as my female and brother walk away. Nico is still teasing Cassidy softly, but his arm is wrapped around her tight, clinging to the comfort she offers.
"Nene, you eat before you clean this,sí?"
Mattie pulls away from me to look at me in horror. "It smells, and if Nico comes back in here, he'll be reminded that-"
"Mattie," I interrupt him sternly. "Wait. Eat first. And I'm having someone else take the mirror out."
He huffs, glaring, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting. "Fine," he grumbles. Slowly, the piqued expression fades, and tears prick his eyelashes. "What's going to happen, Carm?"
I pull him back to my chest. "I'm going away for a few days, Mattie. You and the pack will go back to Caluna for the last few days of the semester. Then we’ll all come back here."
I can feel the urge to argue, to plead with me to stay. Instead, Mattie says quietly, "you’re leaving for Nico, right?"
I just hum. For you, too,Nene. I don't say it. I won't make the mistake the Beta made. As far as my omegas know, I never hurt anyone.
"Stay with us tonight?" he asks.
"Sí,Nene. I have a few things I need to do with my mates."
31 - Healing
Nico is pretending everything is fine while his wolf is crying in torment. To be betrayed and hurt by family, by pack... it changes a wolf.
It reminds me of the first time I knew I was so different... anomega. One of my friends lost her grandfather when we were eight years old. It's odd, when people lose grandparents, that we expect their grief to be short-lived. It's expected that the elderly die eventually, so it's not treated with the same weight as when a parent or sibling passes away.