Page 107 of Carmichael's Omega

"This isperfecto,Bella," I croon to my female. I kiss her cheek, then her mouth, gently. She blushes, mumbling her thanks. A chorus of other thank-yous rings out. Cassidy's face turns bright red.

My alpha-wolf examines her closely, satisfied that she is eating. Only one plate, but she's making a dent. My male, on the other hand, isn't.

Reaching over, I pick up a tomato and hold it to his lips. He opens his pale, pink lips, obedient, and takes it from my fingers, his tongue just grazing my thumb.

My cock hardens to an uncomfortable level. I feed him some more, falling in love with feeding my male and the sensation of warmth in my gut. I know my wolf already provided for Mattie, trying to convince the male that he is important, but this is my turn.

When my alpha-wolf scratches my insides, I practically leap out of my chair. I tear my eyes away from Mattie.Chale, what the fuck is wrong?

My female has stopped eating. She is still talking, moving her fork around the plate in circles, but not once does she lift the food to her mouth. Alize is glaring at me.

"Chale," I hiss. This is fucking ridiculous.

I grab Cassidy's plate, placing it on mine. Then, I take Mattie's food and dump it on top so that I have just one dish.

Grabbing Cassidy, I haul her onto my lap, facing her brother. With my other arm, I drag Mattie's chair next to mine. "Stay," I growl when he tries to edge away.

"Here,Conejita," I hold a green bean to her lips. She parts them, eating it, and my wolf goes wild. The next bite goes to Mattie. He reluctantly eats it off the same fork I used with his sister. With their mouths only a foot apart, I start to feed them both. The table goes quiet for a beat before the noise and chatter pick back up.

Cassidy and Mattie both begin to eat again. Sometimes from my hand, sometimes on their own.

My alpha-wolf settles, smug, but I'm feeling the pressure of my two mates. The tension between them is obvious. They don't speak to one another. They barely even look at each other. They are swapping saliva on my fingers and the fork, but they can't meet each other's eyes?

Cassidy lays her head on my shoulder. "No more," she says softly when I offer her a bite. I cup her belly, satisfied when I feel the soft roundness. Mattie nods when I look at him, telling me that he, too, is full.

When I stand, I move slowly, my cock hard as steel after having my mates cuddled so close to me. My wolf and I are agitated with their attitudes, but something else is preying on us.

I can barely handle the wait as I hustle them both down the hall toward the bedroom I claimed for us.

"In here," I say, pushing them inside. I don't have a bedstand large enough to fit the mattress José picked up for me yet. The mattress resting on the floor takes up over half the room, but we'll all fit.

"Showers or bed?" I ask, my voice dropping huskily. My hands find flesh, touching and caressing. I start to lift Cassidy's dress over her head when Mattie turns and leaves the room, the door banging open with how quickly he ran through it.

I catch him before he's made it even two steps away.

"I-I'm going to clean the kitchen. Yeah, because Cassie's a good cook, like really good, but she cooks, and I clean because yeah, that's fair, and I'm sure it's really messy-"

I cut off his babble. Grabbing his chin with my hand, I snap my canines in his face. "You don't want me to fuck your sister in front of you," I guess.

He goes pale and still.

I growl, groaning, leaning my forehead on his. "I need you both with me tonight, Mattie,sí."

"I-I can't, Carm. Please! She's my sister."

"Carmichael? Mattie?" Cassidy slips out of the door, tears streaking her cheeks. "Umm... do you want some time alone?" she whispers.

I swear under my breath, making both my mates flinch anyway.

"Fine," I snap, "I understand,sí? Both of you get in the damn bedroom."

Cassidy turns and flees back into the bedroom. Mattie goes more slowly, reluctantly.

I shut the door behind us, and this time I lock it, too. "Stay here.¡Chale!I am going to shower. I won't touch either of you tonight,sí?No mames!"

I walk into the bathroom and rip my clothes off. Grabbing the sink counter with both hands, I bow my head, my body vibrating with need. Closing my eyes, I straighten up, grasping my cock in my hand. I think of caramel eyes, two pairs, staring up at me as I stroke angrily.

I'm only a few strokes in when those eyes in my imagination fill with tears. My eyes flare open, and I tilt my head back, growling and snarling as I punish my cock with not even a hint of relief.