"Shh,nene," I soothe my male's nerves. I can hear his heart racing. He's terrified.
A male.
I take a deep breath, and all I can inhale is the scent of my mates. Rique's witch did an excellent job of cleaning the smell of blood from the apartment. All I can smell is my mates. It's heady, overpowering, just at the edge of being too sweet.
"Carm?" Cassie says my name, drawing my attention back to her. "What's..." she looks between me and her brother as realization dawns. "Are you mates?" she whispers softly.
"Oh," she whispers. A tear slides down her cheek. "Please don't hurt him. Don't... you know... to him. Please, Carmichael?"
I know exactly what she is talking about. I almost knew what she was going to say before she even parted her perfect lips. "I took my rejection of you back," I growl to her lightly.
Her eyes widen on me. "When?" she asks, sounding bewildered. Tears fill those beautiful eyes, slipping down her cheeks.
"When I pinned you to my bike and popped your cherry with my raw, unprotected dick,Conejita."
Mattie makes a strangled noise, and my attention deliberately shifts to him. He freezes under my stare as I stalk over to them.
Grabbing him by his shoulder, I kneel and bring him to my nose and inhale his scent deeply. He smells of fear and sweetness. If I close my eyes, I can barely tell them apart, despite their different genders. Both of them together, like an omega cocktail, make mating venom swell, filling my mouth. My canines sharpen, and I force myself to pull away.
"Who is theculero? The male I am itching to torture,Nene?"
There is horror here. I will my dick to wilt. It's not the time for that. My male was just brutalized. There's no doubt he was unwilling. The bruises on his cheeks, the cuts on his skin, the whimpers, the stench of fear and despair... Did I come in time to save my male from being raped? Did it happen before?
"I.. Dylan. He's not my boyfriend!" Matt rushes to say. Tears make his voice rough. His body is shaking. "I... it's just... He didn't..." Mattie starts to cry harder. I can tell he hates it. The embarrassment of his tears makes his skin flush and his shoulders tense away from me.
I would typically mock a male who cries so easily. But I fuckinghatehis tears.¡Chale!My omegas should never cry.
"He... he wasn't..."
I can smell the hint of his lie. "Tell me the truth,Nene," I command him.
"He... he kept touching me," he whispers miserably. "Never... as far as it went tonight, but... I couldn't get away from him. I never told anyone, and Gio and Cassie got hurt. It's all my fault. Today... I shouldn't have fought so hard. He..." Mattie can't talk anymore, his tears making it impossible.
I hear the pain from my female as if it's my lungs fighting for air. "Mattie, Mattie," Cassidy is sobbing, leaning towards him.
"Don't touch me!" Mattie wails toward his sister. "You've been with my mate, Cassidy! While I've been with Dylan!" he spits the name of the soon-to-be-deadculeroas if it tastes terrible. "I'm going to be rejected because you already have my mate! My mate, Cass!"
My female sinks back into the lounge. "Sorry, Mattie. S-sorry, Mattie." Cassidy leans to her side and vomits Miranda's potion onto the floor. My wolf snarls, enraged that she didn't keep her medicine in her tummy.
"Cass!" Mattie runs back to his sister, grasping her to his chest. She's shivering, mumbling her 'sorry,' over and over. He's crying. She's crying.
It's too much. Mechanically I stand back up. "Mates," I rumble. Tear-stained faces turn up to me. "You are both my mates. You are twins."
I walk to the door before I pause to turn back. "If either of you tries to run back to yourbrother," I sneer, "then I will find you, and I will punish you,sí?" I make eye contact with Mattie.
He blanches but nods his agreement.
"Stay here, safe," I order them both. "I'll be back, little mates." I have twin mates. Two omegas. My mates. My female... and my male.
19 - Mi Hijo
I shift as soon as I leave the building and get far enough away not to be seen. My alpha-wolf is torn, just like I am. It's nearly impossible to leave them, but so fucking necessary.