I walk away with my hands shoved into my pockets. When my phone vibrates, I answer it right away.
"Jefe, our luna has a twin, ey?"
"Si, Rique. I know my Omega has a brother. Matthew,si?"
"Carmichael. Jefe,"Rique's voice is hesitant and low. "He's like his sister, ey?"
My wolf stiffens, muscles rippling with tension. "¿Que?Explain," I bark.
"An omega,"his voice drops low. "I swear it, Jefe. He hides it down deep, but fuck if my wolf can't see it, smell it."
My eyes slide closed. I lean against the doors to the barn. My gut swirls. I'm nopinche culero. I know what it means.
"He could be yours,Jefe," Rique says quietly.
"No," the response is automatic, ripped from my lungs with the force of a bullet. I don't know what I'm denying. A male. An omega.Anotheromega.Esto es un desmadre.Goddess, help me.
"No." My voice is weaker. My alpha-wolf is pacing. I force my eyes open. Tomorrow I go home. It's all over up here. We won. With the Beta on our side, it was easy. I wanted to stay, just for a couple of extra days, while the surrounding packs settled down. Otherwise, I can't sneak back down to the States. Now, I have to leave. No waiting.
"He looks like the luna. Soft and sweet. Chulito. Carmichael... they're close. Twins."
I know. I'm having trouble breathing. Disjointed thoughts are ricocheting in my head.
I can kill him and Claim Cassidy.
If I hurt the male, it'll kill Cassie. She would never recover. If I... how can I reject him? Caramel eyes flash in my mind. Does he have the same eyes?No mames.I hate seeing tears in those eyes.
"No," I exhale slowly.
"Carmichael..."Rique's voice is quiet. He is my Beta, more my brother than Nico is. My closest friend. He knows my mind.
"If he's yours... the pack, Carm. I won't hurt him. Tell me if you need him gone, and I'll make him disappear, but I won't hurt him."
"No," I snarl so deep that it hurts my throat. My alpha-wolf growls in my head, furious. LoboGris kills weak males. Kills them without any hesitation. It's better than letting those males grow up to be abused. Fury's black wings beat against my skull. Even if he isn't mine, I would never let anyone harm Cassidy's brother.
"No one will hurt my mate or her twin," I amend when I can speak normally again. "No one hurts the male,si?" I order. "He stays with his sister. No one touches him. Not one fucking finger, ey?"
Rique is quiet for a moment, then, still solemn, he replies, "sí, Alphason."
I'm shaking as I get off the phone. Fuck this. I leave tonight.
"I'll bring your bags up if you grab the dish," Gio tells me. "Tell Mattie I'll be up in a few minutes. I just need to park." He watches me climb out of the car. "Do you need help?"
"I've got it. I'll see you upstairs, Gio," I chirp. The dish is awkward but not too heavy.
Shifting the casserole dish's weight to my left arm, I push the buzzer for Mattie's door with my right elbow. I have to keep both hands on the heavy porcelain bowl, and there's nowhere to set it down out here.
"Hello?" Mattie's voice sounds strained.
"Hey, big brother!" I greet him with more cheer than I feel. We had such a great weekend last week, but then he returned to State, and I've barely spoken to him other than a few text messages.
"Cass?" he sounds genuinely shocked before his voice settles into warmth. "I'm only four minutes older than you, you know."