Page 41 of Carmichael's Omega

I meet Carm's eyes for a second before I feel drawn back to the male I hit. "I'm so sorry," I sob out.

The male takes a sideways step. "It's fine," he mumbles, "you didn't hit me that hard," he reassures me with a wary look at Carmichael.

"You're bleeding," I tell him. Now he'll hate me as he should.

"Cassidy Morgana Daschel, look at me," the order comes from my mate's lips in firm command.

Unwillingly, my eyes go back to Carmichael. "Good girl. Keep looking at me. José is fine. He's already stopped bleeding."

"Concussion," I whisper between numb lips. He could be concussed, and it's all my fault.

"He can go to the clinic to get it checked out, yeah?" Carm says. "Enzo, grab Luis and go," he snaps out coldly at the third male.

I suck in deep drafts of air, but nothing seems to be hitting my lungs. My head swims dizzyingly. When Carmichael swings me into his arms, it makes my head spin even worse.

"Corazon. Princess, look at me, Cassidy. C'monConejita, just look at me."

I try. I really do. I want Carmichael to be happy, it's ingrained in my soul to make sure my mate's happy, but my body refuses to listen as my eyes droop. My chest hurts. I think my lungs have collapsed.

I feel Carmichael gather me closer and cradle me against his chest. "Shh,mi alma,listen to my heart. Let your’s match mine,sí? That's my good girl, Cassidy. Nice and slow."

He rubs my back, rocking me slightly, back and forth. I hear it then, finally, the steady beat under my ear. I sigh, inhaling precious oxygen.

"That's it. Such a good girl," Carmichael croons. "Mi Preciosa Mujer, Cassidy."

When I finally catch my breath, I lift my head and look at José. Blinking, I pull away from Carmichael the fraction of an inch that he allows me.

"Where did they go?" I ask.

"To, ah, the clinic," Carmichael responds.

I look at him sharply. I do believe he is lying to me.

"Do you need the clinic, Cassidy?"

I can feel my lower lip trembling. "I hit him," I whisper.

"Si? He deserved it," Carmichael shrugs.

"Carmichael!" I say in dismay.

His lips twitch upward. "You want to visit your brother,si? Let's get something for you to eat, Conejita. Then, I'll take you."

My hands are shaking, but I don't even notice the exhaustion as Carmichael tugs me out of the parking lot and toward the little cafe next door. He orders me an orange juice and pancakes, then corrals me to sit down on a low bench outside to eat.

I curl my body into him and sip my juice. "People are staring," I whisper to him.

"Si?" he doesn't seem to care about the eyes on us. And, I swear I saw at least two people snap a picture. Something's bothering him, though.

"Carmichael, what's wrong?"

He looks down at me and brushes his thumb over my cheek. I nuzzle his palm, loving the soft look in his cool-blue eyes. "I have to go up north for a while,Conejita. At least two weeks, maybe more?"

I sit up, feeling a terrible sorrow wash over me.

"Hey, none of this, now," he says sternly. "You stay withsuhermanoduring the weekends,si? The LaNu House, your twin's apartment, and class, only,si, Bella?"

"Will you be safe?" I ask him. I ignore the heavy-handedsuggestions.