I shake off the feeling. "Those guys should wear helmets," I mutter to myself, "and slow down. You can get seriously injured. They weren't even wearing leathers."
Omega lecture for the bikers over; I open the door and step out. This far up the mountains, the air has no humidity. The sun is blazing hot, even early in the morning, but it's not oppressive yet. Stepping out of my car, I shoot Cassie a quick text to let her know that I arrived.
My heart lightens as I grab my bag. I'll see Cassie in just a few minutes. I hurry across the sidewalks to where I remember Greek Row sits. At the Tudor-style mansion Cassie lives in, I hesitate. Unlike the rest of the campus, this House is quiet. Almost too quiet. Where is everyone?
"They don't let males in,Nino," a husky voice laughs out behind me.
I spin around to see a hunk of gorgeousness standing behind me. Drool-worthy muscles, a sleeve tattoo on his left arm. Chocolate-brown eyes twinkle at me in a ruggedly handsome face. He's leaning on a tree with those beefy arms crossed over his chest. A motorcycle is parked next to him. He has a helmet on the handlebars, I see with approval.
He laughs. "I don't swing that way,Nino."
I blush fire-engine red. He just totally caught me checking him out. I could kick myself.
He straightens off of the tree he was leaning on. "So, what is abuenolittle male like you doing here if he isn't scoping out the tits and ass?"
"My sister lives here," I blurt out my explanation, faintly horrified at the idea of Cassie being 'scoped out' by a male as dangerous as this one.
"Si?" his eyes sharpen, and the easy smile falls. "Who is your sister,Nino?" He walks closer and starts to look me over. I resist the urge to squirm. This close, I can tell that he's a wolf. A powerful one. He smells of heat and strength and the desert.
My attraction sharply dips into fear. I don't need another male wolf in my life. One is more than enough.
"Your sister,Nino?" he asks quietly.
"Cassie," I murmur. I fight back the tears. Go away, I chant silently to this too-male wolf.
He curses in Spanish. "¡No mames! ¡Culero!"My eyes widen. I don't know many words, but that one I recognize. It's not very nice. My fear ratchets up a notch.
My eyes fall to my feet, and he sighs in aggravation. "I didn't mean you,Nino."
"Rique," the icy, cultured voice makes the male straighten away from me. I look up to see one of Cassie's sorority sisters, Miranda, sashay down the path. Yeah, she's gorgeous... and downright intimidating. My omega-wolf may just piss himself with these two so close to him, but all I see a rescue.
"Corazon," Rique mumbles.
I wince at the haughty, cold look Miranda tosses his way. She turns to me, and I brace myself for a glimpse of equal disdain. No one is more shocked than me when she sweetly smiles at me.
"Hello, Matt. Cassie is at the library. She should be back soon. Do you want to come inside and wait for her?"
Rique makes a strangled, angry sound behind me. "Miranda," he growls lowly. "You promised."
Miranda's smile falls. "Rique. You can't wait a moment?"
"I've been waiting,mamita. My brothers went for a ride this morning that I missed, waiting for you."
Something close to sympathy crosses her face. "Alright, Rique. Come inside, but only the sitting room."
He grunts but seems eager enough to follow us up the sidewalk. When he reaches out and grabs my backpack from me, we both look startled.
"Sorry," he grunts, shaking his head in confusion as he hands it back to me. "You remind me of your sister," he explains.
Miranda's soft laugh drifts back to us. I look over at Rique. He's smiling, his eyes fixed to her bottom as she walks in front of us.
"So, you're really gay?" he asks me as we're shown into a feminine-looking living room. "I was just joking earlier, but not looking at that?" he waves his hand to Miranda's bottom. "You must be."
"Rique!" she snaps at him.
He grins at her and winks. "It's the truth,Bella."
"You are pretty," I admit to Miranda. "And I'm gay. Is it that obvious?" I ask Rique.