"Your female was trying to run from you," I tell him softly. Rique and I exchange a look as Diego renews his struggles, not caring as his own body is put through pain.
"She didn't get far," Rique says grimly. "Lucky for her the Beta grabbed her."
"Sí, their witch is out there," I reply, reminding a panicking Diego of why we are being so careful apprehending Alice.
"She'sthe witch.Por favor, she's just a pup. Let me go!" he shouts.
"She's your witch,Cabrón?" I sneer at him as I hogtie Alice, making sure the bindings are just a little too tight. "You couldn't have mentioned this before? I knew you were apendejo, sí?"
"No. Not the witch that helped Alicia. That one is dead,sí?This one, she's young,una bebé, sí?"
"So you fucked a pup?" Rique snarls, tightening his hold even more.
"She is mine," Diego says. "She doesn't know. She thinks I... She thinks I would hurt her."
Rique shoves him into the wall. "Did you rape her?" he asks Diego softly.
The male's jaw hardens, his eyes going cold. "I fucked her. I used the bond against her,sí?She hates me, but I would never hurt her."
"That did hurt her, asshole," Rique growls. "How old is she? Holy fuck, is your entire pack pure evil?"
Diego scoffs. "I protected her. You think Alice is the worst of the Carabona? Not even close, Rique. She is the alpha's slave, protected because she's mine. They made her a slave, and I had to make her mine,sí?"
"Theywon't be a problem anymore, asswipe," the Beta comes down the stairs, his face hard. “We need to take them out, yeah?” We all look toward the stairs as a white-skinned female with hair so blond it's white, a witch, is brought down by Devel and Nico. A witch I know. The witch who lives, as far as I know, in the far north.
"Amaranthe?" I feel the disbelief dart through me.
Her light eyes rest on me. Tear tracks trail down her cheeks, and she looks so much younger than I remember. Her skin is always pale, so I can't judge her condition on her pallor, but there are dark circles under her eyes. Eyes that look haunted. Her hair is shorn, tight to her scalp, and her skin is dry, her lips chapped. A gleam of chapstick covers them as if someone tried to care for her, but it just makes her look even frailer.
My wolf scrapes his claws along my spine. This female is his ally, his responsibility. She was honest with us, helped us save our male from being raped. He doesn't like seeing her hurt.
Amaranthe finally meets my eyes, her lower lip trembling. "I thought I could catch her. My former coven leader was Alice's witch for years, and I thought if I offered myself to Alice to continue... I was going to trap her, but..." she whispers her explanation, taking a deep breath. "They... the wolves... they, um..."
"I will kill them all,Corazon," Diego's voice is dark, a promise to his female even if she doesn't hear it or want it.
She flinches away from him when he speaks. My wolf snarls, shaking his head back and forth as if he needs to clear the sight of a broken witch from his mind. This is whatmonstersdo, taking strong, brave females and try to ruin them. This is why Diego suddenly was willing to work with us. For his mate.
"Shh, mi Corazon,don't cry," Diego whispers.
Amaranth shakes her head wildly. "Don't look at me," she cries out.
"What did you do,culero?" I ask, filled with suspicion. I know what jackasses we all are to mates who are... unexpected.
"He called me an uglybruja!" Amaranth sobs. "And then he..." she starts to cry harder, covering her face with her hands.
"No,mi preciosa,I lied," Diego whispers. "You are my mate. You are beautiful,mimujer hermosa.I don't even care about the pack,sí?Just you."
"Shit's always real interesting around here," the Beta mutters. "You're a fuckhole.”
"Por favor, mi Corazon,"Diego murmurs. "Let me hold you?" he begs her.
"No," I tell him abruptly.
Rique snorts derisively. "Can't hold her if your arms are ripped out,pendejo."
"Don't," Amaranthe whispers. "Don't hurt him, OK? Just don't... don't let him touch me."
"He won't," at least four voices chime in, mine included.