Page 141 of Carmichael's Omega



"Nephew,"TioHugh sounds just as I want him to, panicked and desperate.

"Si, Tio?" I answer my phone calmly. In the distance, red and blue flashing lights surround the Alpha-Ups House at State. I'm not the only onlooker to the train wreck as Mason is hauled away, forcibly, in handcuffs. It's entertainment at its best.

"Do you know where your brother is?" he asks.

My alpha-wolf shakes out his pelt, pacing. "Si, Tio."

"Where? I mean... I spoke with your father. I had an intruder. I can't reach your father. He sent me a text telling me nothing and to not worry about it," he blurts out.

"Then there is nothing to worry about,sí?" I say. I wander down the road and walk into the closest bar. No sense in letting Hugh think I've changed my ways. I want him to hear the noise and believe the alphason of the LoboGris is still a wasted joke.

A pretty, blond woman spots me right away and wanders over, breasts pushed up high, red-painted lips pouting. I frown and shake my head as I sit on a barstool and order a beer on tap. She turns on her 6-inch spiked heels and leaves.

"You must have a woman," the bartender slides the beer to me.

I leave money for the bartender and turn around, only to see three males standing at the bar's entrance. Wolves. Each of them is staring straight at me.

"Friends of yours?" the bartender asks.

"Maybe," I stroll towards the strangers, refusing to posture anything but the clear confidence that I am alpha and these wolves are not.

"Carmichael Reyes," the wolf in the middle says.

I examine him, noting his steady gaze but the slight shake in his hands.

"Outside," I grunt. I walk past them, feeling their eyes crawl over my back. My alpha wolf postures my aggression, but I stay cold. "Who the fuck are you?" I spin around, catching one of the males by surprise as he flinches backward.

"I'm Diego Barrera. This is Luis and Alejandro." I stay silent, waiting. Diego clears his throat. "I believe... you may have my sister," he whispers hoarsely.

Lily?No mames. I narrow my eyes, "I doubt that," I snarl.

Diego straightens his shoulders. "Her name is Leilani. She was... kidnapped ten years ago."

I stare at him.Esto es un desmadre."I don't havetu hermana,cabrón."

Diego inflates, anger evident in his snapping gaze. "Vete a la verga, jefe," he growls. "My males spotted her with a scarred-upculeroat a bar in LoboGris,si? Your bar,puto."

I let my smirk crawl over my face. "Tu hermana esta con el diablo, ahora, si?Too bad,Jefe. I can't help you. I haven't seen her."

I stare him down as he clenches and unclenches his fists. One of the males, the braver one, looks like he wants to jump me. Diego stops him with a hand on his chest.

"Tell her I just want to talk," he sounds as if he's being strangled.

"Si, Jefe. If I find your sister, I'll pass the message along," I imbue my voice with sarcasm.

Jaw locked tight, Diego and his twocompadresback up slowly, making sure to keep me in their sights. When they disappear, I yank my phone out.

"Devel, we have a problem. I just met the new alpha of the Carabona."

"The fuck?"


My phone chirps with an incoming message. Distracted by thoughts of Hugh, I only glance at it momentarily. My eyes leave the screen to scan for the Carabona until the message registers.